Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Moved!

Well, it's official, I have moved into the new awesome apartment. I also decided to hire a decorator to help me put a really fancy new spin on the place. So my decorator came over yesterday after I cleaned the crappy place and bid the movers goodbye. OK so maybe it wasn't a decorator but it was Rachel and she helped push couches around, and unpack boxes while I whined about how my feet hurt and took a shower. We went to Target (of course) and bought a shit ton of stuff. We went to happy hour and came back to my apartment after buying about 64 oz of energy drink, to build and arrange the shit I bought. Turns out that one slip cover didn't fit, so back to Target and another full cart of stuff. At the end of the day though I have new slip covers, throw pillow, rug, comforter, shams, curtains, curtain rods, bathroom cabinet, mattress pad, three pillows, and a lamp that me and Rachel bickered over for a good ten minutes. The place is looking GOOD if I do say so myself. I unpacked for a while today but lost steam so I went on a walk and then came to a coffee shop to pirate wireless since mine doesn't work at the new place. Damn you Clearwire! Also today I had the extreme pleasure of finding out that I'm not the only person who loves Hall and Oates (I'm excluding Tar Tar for arguments sake), Mr. A Kane ALSO loves H&O. We quoted Rich Girl back and forth. A. Kane, (if you read this) may I just say that if I didn't already love to tremendously, I love you tremendously now. Anyone who adores H&O is good in my book.

OK, I think that's all I have for now, my coffee is almost gone and I need to read texts from last night, and go grocery shopping yet.

Bye Bye

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Old lady update?

I bought:
1. Sustainable bamboo kitchen spoons
2. A fancy wine opener
3. A weird green knife (mild impulse buy)
And for free I got a vegetable peeler. Also I was the grand prize winner of the night and got 10% off my order. It was a successful old lady pampered chef party. Then today I went and matched slip covers to area rugs and throw pillows. Looked at pillow shams, duvet covers and BED throw pillows (way different than living room throw pillows). Then I went and started looking at beds for Sean Connery that would match the area rug and slip covers so that he would match the living room. Old as shit day number 2!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Identity crisis

I am not very old. I act like a very old person. I will hold long conversations about the interest rate on my savings account, lament the high cost of stamps, pay bills the moment they enter my apartment, I go to bed at 9:00 and get annoyed with people being "rowdy" in the parking lot at my apartment. Currently I am getting ready to attend a pampered chef party. WTF!!! However I do something horrendously immature pretty much every day. I feel as though I'm going through that awkward transition from being an asshole college kid to being a grown up. It's like puberty again, none of my clothes are appropriate, I constantly feel awkward, I turn to TV to try to understand how my age group acts, I don't know if I should be wearing a bra or not.

OK, I'm going to go turn off Billy Joel playing in the background and leave for my party, don't want to keep the hostess waiting!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sleeping Naked is Green

So, some of you may know how I love to read. Others of you know that I'm a bit of a lazy hippie. Still others of you probably know that I'm on a huge Non-fiction book kick and I'm obsessed with quippy, quirky, sarcastic and sometimes self deprecating and insulting narrative accounts of random journeys for knowledge. Like cadavers, sex, assassins, going green and ghosts. Just to overly generalize a few of the last non-fictions that I've read. I'm starting to forget what I'm writing this blog about. Ah yes, quick reference to the title. The book I'm reading. The book is called "Sleeping Naked is Green" or as they refer to it in the book (and accompanying blog) SNiG. The whole premise of the book is that the author a girl from Toronto who is skeptical of the whole green thing changes one thing a day for a year. She makes jokes about the crap she does, admits when she cheats, and someone still manages to weave little stories through what essentially is a diary. It makes me giggle and has prompted me to make my recent google searches kind of embarrassing. Some of which include:
Composting toilets
How to make your own toothpaste
Green dating sites
How to make a cheap compost bin
Just to name a couple. Easily the most awful is green dating. Of which I perused two separate sites. and Gross. Also no one from Bellingham is on either site because Bellingham hipsters are way too cool for that. Which is precisely why whenever I get drunk and make a dating site profile I never put my photo on it. How atrocious to be recognized by someone I know.

Again I forgot why I started this entry. Um, read the book? Turn your own poop into an awesome way to feed your organic tomato plants? Which reminds me, I need to go get one of those metal cage things for my tomato plant which is growing like a weed and starting to tip over, it needs the metal tomato bra for support.

Also, my potential landlady was supposed to call me yesterday to set up a time to meet and sign the lease, but she never called, which I forgive as it was a holiday BUT I also need to notify my current place that I'm leaving by Friday and the super practical and completely skeptical side says don't tell them I'm out until I'm on a legally binding lease. Oh well, I've had too much time to sit around and stew lately.

OK, I'm going to put a picture on here so that maybe someone will read it. Happy July 5th everyone, who else was awoken several times by fireworks lighting off in your upstairs neighbors apartment (yes inside) and setting off car alarms!?!?

Happy belated America

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Yesterday I went to the Logger Rodeo. The rodeo is awesome just in the fact that it's a rodeo but here are OTHER reasons why it was SUPER awesome:

1. All the cowboys wear pink shirts (breast cancer awareness fundraiser)
2. Beer garden
3. Making friends with one of the business man cow milkers (bonus awesome point to this one, his name was Maynard)
4. Two EMS runs! - not awesome in the traditional sense, but both guys were OK which was def awesome
5. Text messages where my friends threaten to bury me with a back-ho
6. Proclaiming a performing family at the rodeo the "Osmonds of Rodeo"
7. The queen getting bucked off her horse
8. Cowboys
9. Tight jeans
10. Somehow all the Sedro-Woolley cowboys have southern accents ... I've never understood that
11. Meeting up with dudes from the rodeo at the bar haha, classy
12. That might actually be it

In other news, I think my upstairs neighbors lit off some fireworks inside, my ears are ringing ...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

sleep texting

Sleep texting it like sleep walking but for lazy people who don't like talking on the phone. On Saturday morning I was having a very realistic dream where I wrote a check for $180. I texted my Mom not to cash the check I had just written her because I didn't want the $180.00 one to bounce. This was at 5:30 in the morning. We wrote back and forth like three times. Then I called my Mom later in the day and she asked me what the check was for. I had no idea what she was talking about. I have money problems in my dreams. For which I feel the need to text my Mom. This was the first time in weeks that I had a really sound sleep. Yikes.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I wish I was creative

I found a cool website. Well I didn't, but one of my favorite bloggers did! It's called Sleeveface, and it's three shades of awesome.

Also my pretty much favorite blogger ever can be found at

chikity check it

-Dirty Diana

Michael Jackson

OK, freakish? Yes. Abnormal? Yes. Most likely driven insane by his fame, popularity, media, and stunted maturity? Definitely. Complete and utter musical genius? Without a doubt.

Of course he freaks me out, and whatever he has done in his personal life I either don't want to know the truth about or would like to believe is just media hype. He's a weirdy that's for sure. However, he is an icon for hundreds of reasons and his music is legendary. I don't know if I'm really sad about it, but I am surprised.

I can distinctly remember dancing around when I was young in my parents' living room to Thriller. Amazing album. And I'm pretty sure I only listened to his Number Ones album for my entire Junior year of High School.

We have lost a legend.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm just not that into it

OK so here's the thing. Last Spring I was kinda seeing a guy. Then I was kinda NOT seeing a guy. Then I went to camp and still wanted to talk to the guy all the time but couldn't. Then I started wanting to order books online (along with various other things) so that I could get packages in the mail. The only mail that I ever got was from KJW and it was awesome drawings that I have until this day. So long story short, along with Chuck Palahniuk books, Twilight, and some vitamins I believe, I got He's Just Not That Into You. So I read it and there were literally chapters that I felt could have been headed "Hey Diana, this part is about YOUR life." Apparently my issues are universal, I thought I was at least cool enough to have original issues. Lame. So anyways, I read the books, thought "huh, OK" and pretty much put it out of my head. THEN THEN THEN, they came out with a movie. So I watched the movie and HATED IT! The book's message was basically, "hey be practical, don't listen to all those stories your friends tell you that are completely ridiculous, don't settle on guys that you are not really happy with." The movie had the same message until about the last three minutes and then they turned it around JUST like all over romantic comedies with the whole "never give up, he's out there, even that married guy you're dating will OF COURSE break up with his wife for you" bullshit. Good lord.

Shining point, Ben Affleck was HOTTT. Three Ts.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

the crib!

OK, spoke to the landlord on the phone, I have until next Friday (the 19th?) to go look at the apartment and decide if I want to live there. I can tell pretty much unequivocally that I DO want to live there, but I suppose it makes sense to look at it none the less. She however ask me several semi embarrassing questions that make me an excellent renter,

1. Can you afford the cheap rent I will offer you?
2. Do you have a job?
3. Can I call since you may be lying about this job?
4. Do you live all alone with no room mates or LIVE IN BOYFRIENDS!?!?
5. Do you have any animals, which I countered with, CAN I HAVE A KITTY!?!? (The answer was yes by the way, except it can't be a tom cat that I don't "fix. My thought those was 'who the ef wants or even like tomkat, one's too short, and one's Katie Holmes)

So all in all pretty good convo. Now I just have to go take a peeksy and start packing all my shit. I hate moving and packing, so if anyone would like to volunteer to come up and help me move I would greatly appreciate it. I tend to pay any love birds who help me this way with loads of pizza and beer. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Plus you can meet Sean Connery, or Sean-Con as Rachel calls him already. He will look like one of these little noodles:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dream men

A small smattering of boys I loved in my childhood:

And yes, all of the New Kids, except that weird tall one, if I could cut him out I would have. Also Joey, I never really loved Joey, BUT all the rest ...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So apparently my friend's landlady is "very interested" in me. AWESOME. You know that this means I'm just one step closer to have a kitten named either finlayson or sean connery. Both for either a boy or girl. THEN I can officially grow into an old cat lady AND watch it do really cute stuff like this:

or something like this:

Oh Sean Connery, you skamp

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Dearest friendly other bloggers and friends who read this (Kelly),

Why are my images popping up so freaking giant, and not on the right as I specify. I tell it small and right, it shows up huge and center. Kelly, help me.

Kindest Regards,



Today I watched a clip from an episode of Gilligan's Island. The professor is hot. Also he looks a lot like Paul Newman. I then thought it WAS Paul Newman. I looked it up. It is NOT Paul Newman. This IS Paul Newman.

Paul Newman is hot.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The next episode of cribs ...

... may feature my potential new awesome pad. Let me just tell you some of the awesome amenities of my potential new crib:

1. One bedroom
2. One bathroom
3. One washer
4. One dryer
5. One ability to have a kitty
6. One commute that is longer by five minutes
7. One amount of seventy-five dollars more a month
8. One parking spot
9. One super hot upstairs neighbor
10. One super happy Diana

So, I have become aware of an apartment coming available at the end of July and it features many of the awesome things that I am looking for in an apartment. Mainly it has a washer/dryer and is hardly most expensive than what I'm paying now. Plus then I can get a kitten and start working on the life of being a crazy old cat lady. Sounds pretty promising I think. I already have a cat name picked out if it's a boy cat ... Finlaysin. Pronounced pretty much how it's spelled because I don't know how it's actually spelled. If it's a girl, I'm leaning towards Karen, like Karen O, or maybe Mrs. Butterworth. I like animals with people names and food names ... I'm a bit of a freak. So hopefully my friend who is moving out can get her landlady to let me move in. Time will tell eh?

Accountant Blog

Well, soon I will be blogging in a whole new way. A way that I literally never thought I would blog. Well in all honesty I thought that blogging was completely stupid and ridiculous up until, well probably a year after I had this blog. Now however, I will blogging about ... accountancy. Sweet deal eh? I'll be keeping you updated on IRS notices, job searches, QuickBooks classes, cute pictures of the dogs which I'm sure that I'll sneak in on accident on purpose. Should be an interesting little endeavor. After I've really established myself as a blogger about the ever fascinating world of crunching numbers and counting beans, and I've gained a really strong following, maybe I'll share a link here. Perhaps I'll even become a follower of my own blog. How lovely.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Also with my baller lasagna I drank a bottle of wine and two busch lights. Woops!

I'm sorta awesome

I know that many people just read that title and said, "DUH," but you may be wondering why I am in fact so awesome. Let's be honest with ourselves, there are about 410 ways why I am so awesome (I have yellow shoes, I like weird books, I can whistle very well, I don't discriminate, just to name a few), but this post will focus on just the one. I am a vegetarian who is an amazing cook. Let's just break down a few of my baller recipes.

1. Cabbage salsa. A favorite on the east side and very very rarely (if ever) seen in Western Washington. You poor 206ers, 425ers, 360ers etc. etc. It's refreshing, vegan, awesome as a dip, a little salad and on or in pretty much any Mexican food.

2. Potato and black bean enchiladas, most recently made last weekend. Rice, jalapenos, roasted red potatoes, black beans, and lots of spiciness. Throw a little cilantro on top and you're golden. Or a little cabbage salsa...

3. Pepper and mushroom lasagna. It's just like my Mommy's except instead of sausage (yeah, the Duggans are baller, we don't even mess around with hamburger) I put peppers, mushrooms, onions, and crushed red pepper flakes inside.

Good lord, I'm a good cook. Seriously, why don't I have a boyfriend? Tell your friends how awesome. Their answer will undoubtedly be "DUH," but you can just throw this reason on top of the pile of other reasons.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bang Bang

I've been saying church is crazy for YEARS. Also the south, the south is crazy.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A Kentucky pastor is inviting his flock to bring guns to church to celebrate the Fourth of July and the Second Amendment.

"We're just going to celebrate the upcoming theme of the birth of our nation," said pastor Ken Pagano. "And we're not ashamed to say that there was a strong belief in God and firearms — without that this country wouldn't be here."

Just kinda seems like a weird way to celebrate, maybe next they will hand out some small pox blankets and steal from minorities ...

Just saying!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tar tar

I would like to take this opportunity to immortalize my dear friend Evan. A man amongst boys, and dancer amongst fools, a laugher in his sleep, a converted text messager, a level 14 wizard (maybe, I don't know his exact level), a celebrity at Yen Wor Village. A stranger took this video, a stranger who knows his shit about dancing. I must say that this is fairly indicative of his dancing though quite honestly he gets even better. Just another theme party night at Yen Wor.

Revere him, he is dancer.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Sasquatch was of course awesome. Both the festival and the actual REAL being. Here are a couple quotes that I enjoyed from the weekend:

"You see this," patting belly, "that's all chicken, I'm a chicken boy!" -Little boy in Taco Time after being ask whether he wanted chicken or beef

"I really want to eat this fiber bar, but I don't want to get shit everywhere ... wait." -Me wanting to eat a crumbly fiber bar in the tent

"Why do you have to hold all the blow!?!? Why can't I just hold my half of the blow, you can't do it all at once." -Our lovely neighbors at the camp site

"Sit down and SHUT THE FUCK UP, sit do...SHUT THE FUCK UP" -Most rock and roll moment of my life, crowd interaction lifting both bass drum and lead in the air, and him playing it

"How many of you guys have been camping all weekend?" -Santigold
"WOOOOOOO" -Everyone who had been camping all weekend
"Well we're going to break down for you so you can get busy in your tents." -Santigold
"Umm ... like anyone would have sex with us now, we have not showered in four days." -Diana/Rachel/Bekka

It was a pretty fun night, I'll try to think of more quotes ... because I'm lame like that.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is an interesting little article/project. Photog goes around and takes pictures of the insides of refrigerators with little blurbs about the person. This is my favorite (this person can bench 300lbs)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's coming!

I have a wicked burn on the part of my hair. This does mean that it was sunny AND that hopefully hopefully summer is coming. Summer is Bellingham makes me happy.

That is all.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Also this:

(317): I swear to god I'm with a high end prostitute right now and shes the most interesting person I've ever met. She just took me in to share an evening.
(317): And as an added bonus she seems to have gotten a blood stain out of my favorite t-shirt


I just found the most amazing website ever. It's called texts from last night and it is hilarious.

People can go on and post funny texts from the previous night or whatever. The number at the front is the area code of the sender, I'm desperately seeking a 509 or 360.

Here is just a little sample:

(859): I ahte it when I peed a little on my shews. I got a litll bit on the automen in your room too.:/
(973): Tracy!! I don't have an ottoman in my room.
(859): you have a dog shaped liek un automan?

and a little local flavor:
(206): Just brushed my teeth...forgot we used this toothbrush in bed last night.

Could be a borderline new obsession.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baby Mama

I may be pregnant.

OK, no I might not actually be pregnant, but let's review all the obvious signs that I am displaying:

1. I threw up yesterday for pretty much no reason. Just out of the blue I threw up. That's gross.
2. I can't shove enough Spanish olives in my mouth. I hate olives and all I freaking want to eat right now is Spanish olives.
3. I can't stop re-arranging and sprucing my apartment. I bought a reed diffuser yesterday. A REED DIFFUSER! Hello nesting, by name is Diana ... mother-to-be.
4. OK that's actually it.

So, start brainstorming baby names kids ...

Monday, April 13, 2009

God I forgot about this

About say three years ago, this was one of my favorite videos. Ahh the summer of '06 at the PKO:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Totally practical

For all your lazy assed dogs:

It's called a "Bottoms up Rear-End Support Leash," clearly every dog owner needs one!
Only $39.99


Wow. Only in a town with "beach" in the name:

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. - Police are seeking a woman they said used a false identity to get breast implants and liposuction, then skipped town.

Huntington Beach police said Monday that a 30-year-old woman opened a line of credit in someone else's name in September and had the procedures worth more than $12,000 performed at the Pacific Center For Plastic Surgery.

Employees said she never returned for follow-up visits.

I can't imagine wanting plastic surgery so badly. This coming less than two hours after I bought a bunch of make-up ... hmmm. I did however use my own id, and my own money!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So, I don't eat meat. I very very rarely eat meat substitute because I think he texture is gross (like meat) and it tastes gross (like meat). So I was flipping through my biggest loser cookbook the other day and trying to figure out how to make them meatless and I stumbled upon tofu teriyaki. A challenge. Now, I also don't really eat tofu because honestly I don't understand what it is. That aside, I decided to make it today for dinner. Tofu, some sort of stir fry mix from Trader Joe's, orange peppers, onions, garlic, ginger, on a nice bed of brown rice. DELICIOUS. Needless to say it turned out three shades of amazing and was very colorful and tasty. I about quadrupled the recipe with the amount of veggies I put in though so I'll be eating that for a week ... oh well.

This is not what mine looked like. Mine was way better. This however is what the picture was in the cookbook. Either way.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm very happy to announce my me and my little biscotti just celebrated one full year of our fake relationship. Last St. Patty's day, my dear little Scotty-Too-Hottie insisted on introducing me to all his friends at the bar as his girlfriend, thus began the best fake relationship I have ever been in. Yes there have been rough times, we had a couple nasty fights about counter tops, and there was some cheating ... but still strong as ever! Here is a picture of the night it all started.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


CALGARY, Alberta - Former President George W. Bush said on Tuesday that he won't criticize Barack Obama because the new U.S. president "deserves my silence," and said he plans to write a book about the 12 toughest decisions he made in office.

Bush declined to critique the Obama administration in his first speech since leaving office in January. Former Vice President Dick Cheney has said that Obama's decisions threatened America's safety.

"I'm not going to spend my time criticizing him. There are plenty of critics in the arena," Bush said. "He deserves my silence."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bye bye PI

What a sad day for Seattle! The PI is moving to a web-only version and tomorrow is the last print! Here is an article that I found at msn. Even msn is carrying this!

SEATTLE - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which has chronicled the news of the city since logs slid down its steep streets to the harbor and miners caroused in its bars before heading north to Alaska’s gold fields, will print its final edition Tuesday.

Hearst Corp., which owns the 146-year-old P-I, said Monday that it failed to find a buyer for the newspaper, which it put up for a 60-day sale in January after years of losing money. Now the P-I will shift entirely to the Web.

“Tonight will be the final run, so let’s do it right,” publisher Roger Oglesby told the newsroom.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Some people are just crazy.

A man went over Niagara Falls and survived Wednesday afternoon, one of the few people to ever survive the plunge unprotected, authorities said.

The man did not aid in his rescue, officials said, though it was not immediately clear whether he was physically unable to or he did not want to do so.

Niagara Falls Fire Capt. Dave Belme said the man was not wearing any clothes when he was rescued, but he added that it's not unexpected for a person to lose things while being washed down the falls.

MY theory, trying to kill himself. Why be so selfish though as to make those poor (probably hot) rescuers get to naked!?!? Shrinkage ...

Seduction Advice

In Detroit it only takes a dollar, a case of beer, a gram of coke, and a whip. Hello motor city, my name is Diana!

I hate money

I got my very first overdraft on my checking account today. It made me supremely sad because I pride myself on being very aware of my finances. Although I may not have many dollars I keep good track of the few I have! Well sadly I purchased some McDonald's for my friends recently and didn't write the freaking charge in my register. So many lessons:

Don't buy friends McDonald's when you're drunk!
Don't eat McDonald's is gross and bad for you!
Register your freaking checkbook!

Ugh, I'm covered in disgust over this.


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Cats are such douche bags sometimes

seriously though, I want a kitty so bad!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


how did I know that Hugh Heffner and Holly broke up!?

Two things that made me happier after I found that out:

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have done all but 4 & 5. The real interaction parts ... dammit.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Under Construction

So my office is under construction right now, new siding or something, I don't know I don't really pay attention. HOWEVER, I do pay attention when there are 10,004 hot construction worker guys milling around the office and coming in to get water and popcorn and stuff. I had thought about this, but I'm so busy doing two peoples' jobs that I had not oggled them too much from the windows. THEN one of the executives at work questioned me about my relationship status and demanded that I go have lunch outside with workers or at least make one of them come inside and lift heavy things for me. That's embarrassing. I did however have to walk through all of their crap to get to my car, winks were exchanged. OK not really, I'm not that cool.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Yowza, George Bush's ranking on the list of best and worst presidents:

WASHINGTON - Just days after Americans honored the 200th anniversary of his birth, 65 historians ranked Abraham Lincoln as the best U.S. president.

Former President George W. Bush, who left office last month, was ranked 36th out of the 42 men who had been chief executive by the end of 2008, according to a survey conducted by the cable channel C-SPAN.

Bush scored lowest in international relations, where he was ranked 41st, and in economic management, where he was ranked 40th. His highest ranking, 24th, was in the category of pursuing equal justice for all. He was ranked 25th in crisis leadership and vision and agenda setting.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

better late

I forgot to wish everyone a happy Valentine's day. I personally don't believe in the holiday (because I'm single ...), but here is my gift to you!


So since I am now employed and don't have to do homework on the weekend, oh and I don't have a boyfriend taking up all my time, I get to give myself awesome projects to undertake. Today I made chili! Little known fact about me ... I don't eat meat. I know what you're thinking, "how on earth can you eat chili Diana with no meat!?" Simply answered, I didn't put meat in it. Here is what WAS in it:

Bell peppers
Pinto, black, kidney, and great northern (I believe formerly known as navy beans) beans
Crushed tomatoes
Fire roasted tomatoes with garlic
Green chilies
Lots of cock sauce (sriacha)
Chili, garlic, onion and cumin powders

Um, it was amazing. Also enough food to feed several families I'm pretty sure. I think I'll be eating chili for a year. Probably going to have to freeze some of it.

Another project, watching tons of movies that I've wanted to see or should have seen and haven't. Watched this weekend:

There Will be Blood: B
Cinderella Man: A (effing loved it, Russell Crowe is crazy but I love him)
Schindler's List: Half way through, pretty sure I'm going to sob.

Gearing up for another week of overtime everyday. Making those dollas ...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Char lieeeeee

I'm watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory, the Johnny Depp style one. I've been wanting to see it for quite some time and now that I'm watching it, I kinda hate it. Not only has the disc been skipping like mad (could be that I have the dvd player running non-stop or the communal dvd I'm watching), but Johnny Depp only makes me laugh every ten minutes or so, AND I love Gene Wilder, AND the new oompa loompas are weird and gross. I want midgets in orange face paint. I do like the Veruca Salt though, such a bizzo. OK, I'm going to ride it out, but my better instincts are telling me to turn it off and put on Hotel Rwanda. Ya know, something light.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Trouble at work, I will give full details after tomorrow, the proverbial shit is hitting the fan tomorrow.

Little man at work update: he got his birthday present today AND LOVED IT! Ran around the office showing everyone and screaming from across the room, MISS DIANA MISS DIANA COME LOOK AT THIS! That kid is so adorable, then he gave me two valentine candles and told me that I got two because I'm very special. Yeah, everyone else only got one! Then he gave me big hugs as thank yous for his present. UGH adorable.

Finished Dexter Season 1, holy ef word.

Might get netflix just so that I can have season two right away since I'm way down on the list for it at the library ... that's sick.

Jazzercized with Devin last night, I don't think I've ever laughed that hard while working out, oh my heavens. He is freaking insane, he would turn to me and make me hi five him about every three minutes, I loved it.

Big mama's in T-24 hours ... synchronize your watches bitches.

ps, I'm blogging while waiting for the bachelor to load online hahaha. I got addicted while on vacation but since I don't have cable I had to wait for it to get online. Diana = crazy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am IN LOVE with the show Dexter. You hear me world!?!? IN LOVE. Plus I just got to see his butt in a saucy love scene. Well probably his butt doubles butt, anywho, his butt double at least has a noice bum. I heart crime drama. I got my minor in criminology because I love crime drama. I'm a weirdy. My ex-boyfriend promised to give me the serial killer encyclopedia for my birthday, most sadly we broke up before then ... dammit. Gift ideas kids.

In short, I love Dexter.

Monday, February 2, 2009



1. I went on vacation to Disneyland with my family. Favorite quotes from the trip: "so I heard you wanted to hear what the vegetarian options are, we have a chicken linguini, and a shrimp linguini, we can take either off for you"

2. I read The Graduate, ONLY on planes. My first completely airborne book.

3. I'm riding the library free dvds and books train all the way to the bank. Not literally of course. But It's like saving three bucks every time I borrow a dvd from the library and don't rent.

4. Work is going pretty good and they TOLD me that I am doing really good.

5. I got to see multiple killer whales, they are awesome.

6. I got to see monkeys giving blow jobs, THAT is kinda hilarious.

7. I saw a FANTASTIC brown bear named blacky, he was 35 and hit around this funny ball with his head and slept almost the whole time except when I went, "hey blacky I'm on a double decker bus please come and say hello!" Then he came and said hello! I'll show you pictures, don't worry.

8. It was little work man's birthday today, I gave him bubbles and a diego animal rescue outfit, he LOVES miss Diana. We played bubbles outside for a while afterward.

9. um thats all i got for right now

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dead Beaver

So today one of my co-workers asked me to take her dog on a walk. Clearly somewhere in my job description it says dog walker. To be honest I don't care, I got to get out of the office and play with a cute dog. So I'm walking along and the dog just darts down the stairs next to my office (which is next to Whatcom Creek), so I finally catch up and there is the dog pawing at this big brown lump. Well upon closer examination I see a huge flat tail, giant teeth and really long nails. It was a beaver. A dead beaver. So I go inside and call the humane society to come pick it up. The big man came about an hour later and picked it up. HE STRUGGLED! Think about that, I giant man whose whole job is the containment and removal of animals struggled with the giant-ness of this beaver! I watched in a very interested way. Then I just kinda finished the rest of my work. That was all. The highlight of my day was the removal of a dead beaver from the stairs of my work. Thank goodness I spent the money on a college degree.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Has anyone seen this show? I kinda love it. I watched the first season in one day, then most of the second the next day, now I'm finishing up the end of season two right now. It's about drugs, it's semi-pornographic, witty, and full of dark humor. Pretty much it's perfect. Also the seasons were only $12.99 at target, double booyah.

Booyah Booyah.

Friday, January 2, 2009

yeah yeah yeah so paid

It's a rap song, don't judge me for knowing that.

Today I woke up with a terrible pain my toe, enough so that I did not go work out. Instead I went and got a haircut, a really cute haircut. I'm glad that I have short hair again (even though I've had it for four months). Then it was spinster Friday, thats right my friends, Spinster-hood is creeping into the weekdays. I suspect that I may get three days of spinster-ness this week! noice.

Two Jay Jay texts, one call. All ignored. I learned my lesson from arby's. I'm not encouraging it. And as Rachel said, "our new year's resolution is to not go to the royal, ironically made ... at the royal."

It's a work in progress.

I'm a third done with Harry Potter 6. Harry Potter 7 may be started by the end of the weekend. I think I might read my lovely Women & Money book next, since I'm trying to save money and not be in debt anymore. My Mom will be so proud.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well I rung in the New Year in style. Cracktivity consisted of me dressed like Arby's but shot (cracktivity was Railroad and Holly themed), Rachel with a beard made of eyeshadow and a total of 8 40s, 7 sparks, many mixed drinks and I believe four bottle of Champagne. Amongst us all of course. Then we got a little tipsy and bored and guess where we ended up!?!? The Royal ... gross. Highlights of my night?

Dancing with a weird guy all night, then when it actually hit midnight he turned away from me and called someone on his phone.
Ditched him started dancing with a guy named Jay Jay with a touch screen blackberry that I stopped all conversation with him to play with.
Bekka ran away and we had to beg the Royal bouncer to go find her coat she left inside after they closed down.
We couldn't get a cab and between 8 people all of whom either do, did, live in the ham or at least know people there we could not find a freaking ride so we walked 4.5 miles in the rain to Rachel's house. Did I mention my coat didn't have a hood?

Favorite Jay Jay quotes of the night?
"Gurl, you dance like you know what you're doing"
"You ever have chocolate gurl, once you go black you never go back baby"
"I just wanna kick it wit you gurl"
"Shawty you hot, UHH"

Jay Jay was a peach.
Also while we were on the bus on the way downtown a man told us that we were hot as fish grease. He was a sweetie!

2009 goals?
-Learn to drive a stick
-Balance my checkbook
-Pay off my credit card and parents
-Do my dishes

Also I got a raise yesterday, and my insurance starts on Monday so my pneumonia can't really kick in until then.

Happy ought nine kiddos!