Sunday, March 22, 2009


So, I don't eat meat. I very very rarely eat meat substitute because I think he texture is gross (like meat) and it tastes gross (like meat). So I was flipping through my biggest loser cookbook the other day and trying to figure out how to make them meatless and I stumbled upon tofu teriyaki. A challenge. Now, I also don't really eat tofu because honestly I don't understand what it is. That aside, I decided to make it today for dinner. Tofu, some sort of stir fry mix from Trader Joe's, orange peppers, onions, garlic, ginger, on a nice bed of brown rice. DELICIOUS. Needless to say it turned out three shades of amazing and was very colorful and tasty. I about quadrupled the recipe with the amount of veggies I put in though so I'll be eating that for a week ... oh well.

This is not what mine looked like. Mine was way better. This however is what the picture was in the cookbook. Either way.

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