Sunday, June 14, 2009

the crib!

OK, spoke to the landlord on the phone, I have until next Friday (the 19th?) to go look at the apartment and decide if I want to live there. I can tell pretty much unequivocally that I DO want to live there, but I suppose it makes sense to look at it none the less. She however ask me several semi embarrassing questions that make me an excellent renter,

1. Can you afford the cheap rent I will offer you?
2. Do you have a job?
3. Can I call since you may be lying about this job?
4. Do you live all alone with no room mates or LIVE IN BOYFRIENDS!?!?
5. Do you have any animals, which I countered with, CAN I HAVE A KITTY!?!? (The answer was yes by the way, except it can't be a tom cat that I don't "fix. My thought those was 'who the ef wants or even like tomkat, one's too short, and one's Katie Holmes)

So all in all pretty good convo. Now I just have to go take a peeksy and start packing all my shit. I hate moving and packing, so if anyone would like to volunteer to come up and help me move I would greatly appreciate it. I tend to pay any love birds who help me this way with loads of pizza and beer. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Plus you can meet Sean Connery, or Sean-Con as Rachel calls him already. He will look like one of these little noodles:


KJW said...

Congrats on the new digs, Duggan! Heretofore, I call it Duggan's New Digs.

Also, Lynn and I are in a bagel/coffee shop in Jackson, and we talked about how your blog is funny, and then you did that thing about Tomkat and I laughed for forty minutes.

Deanna Doogan said...

yowza forty minutes!?!? i would have believed 12, maybe 22 if you were a little drunk or tired, but forty, yeehaw KJW!

I also love both of you and Lynn's blogs!

Say "HAAAAAAY" to the tiny bison.