Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson

OK, freakish? Yes. Abnormal? Yes. Most likely driven insane by his fame, popularity, media, and stunted maturity? Definitely. Complete and utter musical genius? Without a doubt.

Of course he freaks me out, and whatever he has done in his personal life I either don't want to know the truth about or would like to believe is just media hype. He's a weirdy that's for sure. However, he is an icon for hundreds of reasons and his music is legendary. I don't know if I'm really sad about it, but I am surprised.

I can distinctly remember dancing around when I was young in my parents' living room to Thriller. Amazing album. And I'm pretty sure I only listened to his Number Ones album for my entire Junior year of High School.

We have lost a legend.

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