Saturday, August 11, 2007


Well 80's night is back! I was extremely excited to have the beloved Nightlight 80's night back this last Thursday. It has a tinge of sadness though because it was miss Emily's last night in town for some four months while she heads off to Washington DC for an internship. I think it's safe to say that we will all be missing her quite a bit. The night was a ton of fun, it was great to have everyone out especially people who are hard to get out (ehem KEELEY), and even those who were not feeling so hot (Meerkat). This does however bring me to the point of my post: Technology and alcohol do not mix ... well.

I'm a drunk dialer, I'm a drunk texter and as anyone knows who reads this blog, I can occasionally be a drunk blogger. Sometimes however all of this backfires. You will say something via text or in a drunk dial that you will regret regret regret the next day. My 80's night had a lot of this involved. The funny thing is, that you can only play off your indiscretions via alcohol to a point, at what point to you own up for your actions and stop blaming booze? Now, I know I wouldn't smoke ciggies if it wasn't for alcohol, but would I still text an ex and tell them I miss them? Or would I tell a friend it's ok to have another drink even though I know they have had enough? It's a tricky little situation and now I find myself dealing with the aftermath of another one of these situations. So when do you ignore the things people do as them "just being drunk", and when do you have to respond and view them as truth supplemented by too many drinks?

I think the Tootie Pop Owl said it best, "the world may never know".

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