Sunday, August 5, 2007


I went camping this weekend and it turned out to be a lot of fun. I went with Rachel, Erin, Emily and Evan. I worry a lot about stuff, and when we found out that the one campsite we were going to use was full I started to freak out a little bit. So we ended up going to a campground about two hours away in Newhalem. We had a rocky start to the trip with packing and getting everyone ready and finding out that we would need to drive two cars instead of the planned one. Then when we were driving out there we saw signs about burn bans, and it was so far out in the boonies I had myself convinced the trip was doomed. When we got there however it was a nice campground, we found a site really close to the bathroom and right next to this little clearing with was nice. Everything went really smoothly and we had a ton of fun. We consumed somewhere in the vicinity of 80 beers I would guess between the 5 of us and we made an emergency run to the store at one point to get two more cases which we barely touched. It was full of lots of card games, cribbage, watching the funny nature shows that the socially awkward ranger interns put on and walks through the woods looking at the funny sights in Newhalem. All in all it was a really good weekend, full of lots of inside jokes, funny games and shananigans.

Things I learned on the camping trip:
1. Woody Woodpecker was a Pileated woodpecker.
2. It's good to always have at least one boy on camping trips to perform "man duties" like building the fire, opening jars, 'protecting' us in the tent, and building our wizard staffs.
3. Always pack bug spray, eating utensils, lighters, and flashlights when going camping.
4. Nature shows from socially awkward ranger interns are much more entertaining when you're 8 beers into the night and take two with you.
5. Volleyball while drunk in a clearing where you can't see the ground can be dangerous, but putting cold apples on your ankle instead of ice is just as good to help keep the swelling down.
6. When you say 'pack light', this includes, cribbage, volleyballs, books about how animals have sex and at least two 30 packs of busch light.
7. Busch light is the 'healthiest' light beer on the market.
8. Belly button UHHHHH
9. I will tell the most disgusting and embarrassing stories when I'm drunk.
10. Starting drinking at 4:00 is a good idea if you want to be trashed by 9:00 and not keep the rest of the campground up.

1 comment:

KeeleyMarie said...

i love your blogs.
We need to do lunch again soon.