Monday, August 6, 2007

fruit and such

I had my first plum today. I know what you're thinking, "a plum Diana? How could you have gone 21 years without gracing your tongue with the presence of plum!?", well dear friends, I'm from apple/pear/cherry country, thats how. In any event, I liked it quite a bit. Now since I've never had a plum I don't know if I had a good or bad one, a too soft or too firm one, a too white or too red one, I have no idea, but the plum I DID have, was delicious. I'm still unsure about the dried variety, something about the change it makes turns me off. Next step, learn to like "dried plums" aka Prunes.

On a completely unrelated note: There is a giant moving truck in the parking lot of my apartment and it is blocking traffic and my parking spot. So I was forced to park in the overflow spaces which are for guests. I feel bad because those spots are coveted by both guests and tenants a like and I'm taking one up while my perfectly good reserved spot is blocked by a giant moving van! Sometime I feel like the only person who gives a shit about stuff like this. Maybe it's the parking nazi in me coming out ... who knows.

1 comment:

KeeleyMarie said...

I like your blog so much I gave it a plug on mine.