Friday, June 1, 2007


I really don't like smoking. I think it's a gross habit, it kills you, your teeth get gross, your hands get gross, you waste tons of money on it, I hate it. Not to mention the smell. I loathe the smell of cigarette smoke, it gets in your clothes and hair and everyone around you, its nasty. I think when Washington banned smoking indoors it was one of my favorite days. I still love the fact that I can sit anywhere in a restaurant and not come home wreaking of cigarettes. I saw my Dad's mother die of lung cancer covered in golf ball size tumors all over to head and neck, she didn't even know who my father or any of us were, it was horrible, and the best anti-smoking ad I've ever seen. That's what they should have on those truth commercials, a big picture of my Dad's mom with tumors all over her head.

Now after all that, I feel like smoking is taunting me. It's always around me. Everyone is smoking all the time, at school, as sasquatch, everywhere. Sometimes I harbor a sick desire to smoke a cigarette. Why? I have no idea. I still really do believe everything I've said above, and I really don't have any true desire to become a regular (or occasional) smoker. It's just there, always. I feel like I have gotten more peer pressure to smoke in the last year than I ever did in High school when people seem to start smoking. Damn you hippie liberal college!

1 comment:

S. Moore Jr. said...

I just quit smoking, 8 weeks 2 days ago, my wife is very happy. My site is