Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Well, people have to be difficult. Recently someone wrote on a bathroom stall in the library that "what happened at VT was going to happen at WWU on 6/14/07". Idiots. Was it a credible threat? Most likely not. People do weird things to get attention. I honestly don't feel at risk right now. This may be in error. We got our little bulletin from the UPD as we have been getting ever since the tradegy at VT about it. I just got an e-mail from a professor that our final exam tomorrow was going to be changed to an e-mailed four hour test. It is "open book and largely essay". Well this puts quite a bit more pressure on me. For one, I already returned one of the books. Whoops. I think it's great that I am going to have ample time and everything, and theoretically we are all safe this way, but what a hassle. I guess several people have contacted the prof and said that they were scared about coming to class. My thoughts:

1. Some idiot did this thinking that no one would see it, and he was probably bored of studying and didn't wanna take his final tomorrow. So now, because of one assholes idiocy, the entire univeristy is pressured into changing everything and making everyone afraid.

2. What is accomplished by us always being in fear? Maybe the University should not have shared this info with us if they didn't think it was a credible threat. Maybe they did a good thing. I don't like that everyone wants to know everything all the time, and because of this we are all in fear of what may or may not happen. (Can anyone say terror alert system?)

3. I don't think anything will happen. I honestly believe that this is some asshole who just wanted to get out of taking his exam tomorrow and thought that they would cancel finals week. Well that backfired.

4. What if something does happen? I can't emotionally handle that. I don't want to try. I can't even imagine if something that horrible happened here. I feel like we are a pretty tight community, it would be horrible. I hope that I'm right and that this is all just a joke.

5. Work is going to suck tomorrow. Everyone is going to be calling every ten minutes saying they are scared and for some reason this should get them free parking. Whatever. It should be interesting if nothing else. I guess they are going to have extra officers out and about, so hopefully that makes people feel more safe. I hope nothing happens to T.O. .....

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