Sunday, June 3, 2007

anti war vs. anti troops

One thing that I just cannot stand, are those people who assume that just because you are anti-war, means that you hate the troops. Not so. Yeah, I don't have one of those little yellow magnetic things on my car that says "I support the troops", and no, I don't repost those stupid myspace bulletins that tell me that my maid does my laundry while the troops wear the same thing for days on end. I know it's incredibly hard for the troops right now, and I see the death count rising everyday and I don't think it's right. I think the war we are in is not the war we were told it was going to be, I think this administration has fooled us, and went on a war rampage with ulterior motives and I think thats not only morally, but legally wrong. Caught in the middle of all of this are the troops. They are just doing their job, whether they agree with the bullshit they are being put through or not, they are doing one of the most painful and dangerous jobs in the United States. People I graduated with, people I know, people from all over are in this war, and just because I think it's stupid and pointless, doesn't mean that I think our soldiers are. I know they are fighting everyday so that we can live in a society that will probably never have a war on our soil, and we can go on living our cushy American lives where we can protest without fear of being killed my the government. So before you lump all the people who protest, have anti-war bumpers stickers, and wear anti-bush shirts, into a group of people who want to see all our soldiers dead, remember that there is a large difference between hating the war, and hating the soldiers in it. And don't for a second tell me what I believe.

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