Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Today, I've been incredibly hung over. I almost never get hung over, I may get a headache, but I never puke the next day, and I always feel fine in a couple hours. This was not the case. I thought that I would try a new drink for the summer, I wanted to stray from vodka and ____. So I got rum and juice. Bad choice. Rachel even told me not to drink rum, Gaby said it was a bad idea, but I'm a little headstrong. I didn't even drink all that much. I mean, I was drunk, but not as drunk as I've been before. I remember most of last night. This morning was hell. I felt like I was going to die. I thought I would go get a coffee at Starbucks, then thinking about all that food and coffee and milk smell, I almost puked. Then I made the poor decision to ride the bus to work. All that haulting and jolting around didn't bode well. I walked in the door to work marched into the bathroom and puked. Puke count, 1. I went up front, everyone laughed at me, my boss came and joked around with me for being hung over and I very painfully did some work. An hour or so later I was not feeling well so I went back to the bathroom and puked again. Puke count, 2. I again felt better and returned to the front and lazily helped more people. About another hour later I was feeling really bad again, I was trying to drink water and I felt horrible but I flat refused to go home and be the irresponsible girl who got too drunk and had to leave. So I got called up to talk to a customer, I helped them and then another guy walked up, asked me about health center permits, all I could do was point at the VC and I ran to the bathroom again. Puke count, 3. That third puke really helped. I feel a lot better now and I actually ate a little on my lunch break. I had a hamburger bun and some carrots. After the carrots I regretted my decison, that could not feel so good coming back up. But I have thus far kept it down. Now I just have to make it threw two and half more hours of work and I can go home and go to bed. Not to mention that I have a final tomorrow I have not studied for yet. I was hoping thats what my time out here at the VC would be for. We will see. Then thinking about my birthday this weekend made me want to puke, no more drinking.

Moral of the story, stick with what you know. Don't experiment on new booze when you have to work the next day, even if it is at noon.

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