Saturday, June 9, 2007

let downs

I suffer from building things up so high that they could never live up to my expectations. It's what I do. I fear that it is going on in my life right now. I'm building up my 21st birthday a lot, I fear it won't be as fun as I'm imagining. I'm actually not thinking about my trip to Reno too much, this may be good, leave everything open, if it's good, awesome, if it sucks, I didn't have any expectations. But I also think that my affliction is rubbing off on my friends. Everyone is building summer up so much that I don't think it will be as awesome as predicted.

Last summer was great. I had a really really fun time getting to know everyone building relationships. I think that PKO nights were so great because we did it at someone's house, just sitting around bullshitting and playing drinking games because a couple of us (making up almost half the group) were underage and couldn't go out to the bars! After next Sunday and my birthday we are not going to have that social pressure to stay in anymore. There are underage people still working there, but they have never been a huge part of PKO nights, so I doubt they will really keep anyone in. Now that we will all be legal, I think people will want to go out more, which could be really fun, but I honestly don't know. I have no way to, I've never been out! I just miss last summer I think. Maybe I'm just being protective of my memories thinking that we can't top last summer. Maybe, I don't want to! We will see I guess. Either way, I know that I'm going to have a ton of fun because I have crazy friends, and crazy co-workers, and we are going to have a good time at someone's house, or out at the bars! It's inevitable, we're just fun. Plus we do have one more house party PKO night left for while I'm a minor. Tuesday should be fun. If we can just convince our host to start at a reasonable time instead of 5:30, or to just concede to have it elsewhere! Either way, it should be fun. I want drinking games, and I want a lot of them. Now, I just have to figure out what my drink of THIS summer is going to be. I think it's time to retire Vodka Collins.

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