Friday, May 11, 2007


There are a few things in life that I absolutely adore. Anything from my wonderful friends, to reading weird prison books, to enjoying truly delicious thai food, and also writing and receiving letters in the mail. Snail mail. I love it. It says, "I took the time out of the day to write you this profession of love, and I wanted you to be excited when you opened up the mailbox and found something more than shitty coupons you won't use, missing child posters, and bills". Maybe they don't say that to everyone, but they say it to me. Now obviously sentiments of love and admiration are not the only things sent through the mail, more often a bill will end up in my mail box, or in my hand heading to the nearest drop off box. Which brings me to the main point of this blog. Stamps are going up in price AGAIN. To a whopping 41 cents! Seriously. Now, I know that stamps are rising in price because e-mail is so prevelant and they have to make up their money somewhere, but this just makes me want to use e-mail that much more. It's a vicious cycle. Now I know that 41 cents is in all honestly not that much. But lets consider the following:

I send out 4 bills a month. Each one of these bills is now going to cost me an additional 41 cents (or 2 more cents than last month).
Comcast: 41 cents
PSE: 41 cents
Rent: 41 cents
Credit Card: 41 cents
Usually at least one sentiment of love to someone (lets er on the side of caution and say just one, though sometimes more): 41 cents
That comes to $2.05.

12 months in a year: $24.60 - this is of course not taking into account the holidays when more delightful parcels are indeed sent.

I don't know where I'm going with this. It's like when I figured out how much it costs me to use tampons for a year. ($38.40)

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