Friday, May 11, 2007


There are very few times in my life where I hate the fact that I rent. What's great is, if anything ever breaks I just call someone else and they fix it, I don't have a mortgage, I can decide to move pretty much whenever I want, my apartment is pretty cheap, and it has things that in general I could not afford alone. There are several drawbacks however, most associated with the fact that I live in an apartment, and not a rented house. Mainly, parking is always an issue, I can hear the comings and goings of neighbors with next to no effort on my part, I can't really decorate how I would like or paint, anything like that. Most of the issues are fairly trivial, and obviously the benefits out weigh the risks or I wouldn't be living here. However, another ugly rental issue has just popped up.

My building recently (like in the last couple days) was sold, and we are under new management. I got a notice on my door today that said on Tuesday they will be coming to inspect our apartment and check if we need things fixed, we can be present if we choose but don't have to be. This makes me nervous. Not only has there been a crazy rapist man running around campus and literally terrorizing young women (enough so that we got an official notice from UPD via e-mail recently), but I don't want strangers I have never met going through my apartment and things. We don't have the cleanest apartment right now because there is a hellish Bermuda triangle esk moment of midterms, papers and group presentations that is plaguing all inhabitants of my apartment, and I don't want strangers coming in and scrutinizing everything. Its very frustrating. Now I'm also nervous that when it comes time to have our lease signed again, that they are going to up our rent, and we either will end up paying out the ass, or be forced to search again for an apartment and move. Moving sucked really badly last time because all of our stuff is giant, and I don't want to go through that again.

So here I am, nervous about school, nervous about the rapist close to where I live, work and attend school, nervous about where I live, and nervous about money. We will see what happens after Tuesday I suppose.

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