Tuesday, May 8, 2007


So a guy came into the office today who smelled quited good. This further proves the fact that I love people who smell nice. The best part of this particular boy's smell, was that it was not cologne, it was just that nice fresh laundry detergent and general clean smell that you don't often get from college boys. Let face it, boys in college (for the most part) often lack excellent personal hygiene habits. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of some nice smelling cologne, sometimes even when there is maybe a little too much and it lingers a little when they leave, but a little part of me always thinks to myself "what are they covering up?". So it brightened my day a little to smell a nice smelling boy, who happened to smell like the best smell ... clean.

This may also play into the fact that I'm constantly afraid of being the stinky kid. I've never really been accused of being the stinky kid, but its a constant fear in the back of my head. Makes me appreciate the nice smelling people even more!

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