Thursday, May 17, 2007


I know that two blogs in one day is quite self absorbed, but humor me. I love people with accents. Pretty much all accents. I am not going to lie, I can find a Canadian accent kinda hot. Close to the top of the list is Australian, quite good. British are ok, they make me feel a little stupid though. I can't take anyone serious who has a southern accent, but they make me feel kinda safe, like they are going to hug me and then give me something with a lot of butter in it to eat. Boston accents are kinda hot. They always make me feel like the person could kick my ass, or someone else's ass at any moment. Same with New York accents. But, my all time favorite accent. Irish. Its clumsy, and charming, and almost indistinguishable sometimes. Maybe my Irish side is to blame, maybe I'm just a silly American girl who is a sucker for accents. But how can you not think its kinda hot when someone says yar, instead of you're ... think about it. That almost sounds like a pirate.

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