Sunday, December 14, 2008

under pressure ... dun dun dun da da dun dun

Well, not really. But I wanted an excuse to use that as a title. So my dear miss Nicole (you Greylockers who might read this are aware of her) started a blog which makes me kinda jealous. She is going to read 100 books in one year, and blog about them. NICE. Which makes me want to tell you about the books that I've read lately.

OK, so I'm a nerd. Yeah I got crazy (or wicked, or hella, depending on who you are) into the Twilight series and polished off those suckers this summer. Since then I have read, Into the Wild, A Confederacy of Dunces, Breakfast of Champions, and tried to read The Omnivore's Dilemma. I just can't get into that though. It's too much like I'm reading a text book. My current book status is HARRY POTTER! Man I forgot how addictive this effing books are. I decided to re-read the books last Wednesday and I am currently half way done with the third. I wanted to read seven again but decided to truly enjoy it I should have freshly read all the others. I hope to be done by Christmas because (thanks to Nicole's blog and my general nerdiness) my list of "next reads" is growing like nuts.

What a boring read I just composed for you. But hey, at least it wasn't about prop 8 right!?! Not that I'm over being outraged about that whole mess. OK my lovelies, I have to go read more HP and eat dinner. Go read, expand your beautiful minds.

1 comment:

KJW said...

Woot, woot! My goal used to be to read every Pulitzer Prize winning novel, but then I realized that most of them are downers. Psshhhhaw.

I like that "100 books in a year" idea. One of these days, when I don't have to grade 90 fiction stories in a weekend, I will set a similar goal. Brilliant!