Thursday, December 18, 2008

no work, no money

Another snow day is upon me! Yesterday I got to leave work at about noon because it was starting to snow cats and dogs. It was fine, I assumed things would clear up so I did all my chores thinking I shouldn't waste my time. I cleaned the kitchen, did crafts for Christmas presents, read Harry Potter, baked a casserole, cleaned my room etc etc. It was a very productive and busy Wednesday afternoon. Then I started thinking to myself, well yes this is lovely, but I'm not getting paid. I need me those dollas! Then I got calls from TWO different co-workers telling me that we were probably not going to have work today. Balls. I decided I would wake up at normal time and call my boss anyway. I called, I didn't have to work today. She seemed thankful for my concern haha. Always the suck up. But then I was wide awake because it was morning, so I chatted with Rachel on the telly, quite possibly the earliest conversation I've had with her ever and made myself coffee in a HUGE mug. Now I'm watching Indiana Jones, because I effing love Indiana Jones. Later I'm going to buy stamps. Big day.


KJW said...

With your free day, you should get a face transplant so you look more like Indiana Jones. They do that now. However, if a Harrison Ford lookalike doesn't croak and donate his face to science today, you're out of luck.

Deanna Doogan said...

I would eat a snail (with garlic and butter) if I ever met an Indiana Jones lookalike! I would be even more excited if he wanted to give me his face!