Monday, December 22, 2008


Boss called this morning, "Hey kiddo, it's Char, well, we gotta open the office, people need us. Can you make it in by nine, maybe ride the bus or something? We will be closing around 3:30. OK see you then kiddo"

So I went back to sleep for half hour. Got ready. Put on my SJP sneakers that I wear instead of snow boots because I don't have snow boots. I went out and started scraping the six inches of snow off my car that has accumulated over night. Massive amounts of snow got into my shoes and of course all over my jeans which were then soaking wet. Started all-bying it (I have all wheel drive, not four wheel) through the parking lot to the street. The snow was deep at the top of the little hill and my poor little subby barely made it through. While I was sitting there waiting to get out into the street I look over and see a girl in a two-door little hatch back Jetta or something completely stuck in the snow on the side of the road and sobbing on her cell phone. I felt bad, but kinda not. What kind of tool goes out on the roads like they are in a car like that!?

Got to work ... barely. Walked in the front door, boss says:
"Hey kiddo you made it! Thanks for coming in on such ... Why are you not wearing boots!?!?! Diana, you need to wear boots out there! Are those sneakers!?!? Diana what are you doing!? What size are your feet, we need to get you some boots!"
Diana/Kiddo: "Uhh I'm fine. These shoes are ok. Yeah I mean my feet are a little wet, but I brought extra socks. Please don't buy me boots"

I went and bought boots after work today that I both can't afford, and don't like. Peer pressure sucks! But I guess dry feet won't be so bad ...

(Actual boots not pictured)

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