Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day!

Today it started snowing fairly hard in Bellingham. Since Bellingham does not do so hot in snow (read: it effing blows, no snow plows, no salt or sand or ANYTHING, but crashes, sadness, and no work) my boss called at about 11:30 and asked if I had done all of my stuff for the day. Of course I said yes because being the smart little cookie that I am I foresaw the shit weather and imminent closing of the office so I did everything WAY earlier than usual. So after I told her that everything was done she said the magic words, YOU CAN GO HOME EARLY SWEET CHEEKS! She normally does not call me sweet cheeks but only on special occasions ... or on the phone. Mostly she calls me kiddo, or sweetie, which I'm OK with most of the time because she is like my cool young Grandma or older Aunt, when of course she's not yelling at me. We have a complicated relationship. But she sent me home early today, so its a good day. I called my Dad to tell him, he asked me what I was going to do, and I told him that I had a date. He honestly sounded really excited, but I followed with ... Harry Potter, Harry Potter is my date. Thus far I have made Christmas presents, cooked, blogged (well I'm almost done), and read a little. It's a good day!

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