Monday, April 21, 2008

My Powers

I finally figured out what my super power is. No it's not perfect comic timing (though I do posess it), no it's not the world's frizziest hair (though I also have that), it is knowing EXACTLY when I get sick. Yesterday I was sitting on my couch watching a really depressing documentary On Demand (Born into Brothels, if you're interested) and I sniffled. Just once. I knew what was up though. I now officially have a cold. I made sure to note the time of course, it was 3:17pm. At 3:17pm on April 20th, 2008 I got sick. It rapidly progressed, I was blowing my nose constantly enough to get the reaction of, "Jesus that cold hit you fast" from someone whom I had seen for the last like four days straight (those days are to be referred to as the 'pre-cold era'). It was no good. It also prompted me to wake up at 4:38am (I always look at the clock when I wake up at night) and shuffle myself to the end of my bed, grab some dirty laundry from the basket and blow my nose on it. Now for those who think thats gross, think about it. Not only am I saving paper from being used and discarded thus hurting the earth, but I'm also not using a hanky which just makes for MORE laundry which means MORE washing machine which is both MORE electricity and MORE soap. I'm such a freaking good environmentalist it's obscene. Not to mention that my dirty clothes basket is way closer to a tired sniffly me than the tissue in the bathroom. Go me. I hope to also be able to note the exact last time that I am sick.


KJW said...

How WAS "Born into Brothels"? I guess we could just ask Erin about it, that ho.

(Insulting CAN be fun when the person is not around to hear/read it.)

Also, I put a link to your blog on my blog. I even used your tricky alias.

Soy muy brilliant.

Deanna Doogan said...

oh kjw, thanks for the link, i feel almost famous now. like the movie ... almost famous.