Sunday, April 27, 2008


My big adventure for the weekend? Tulips, lots and lots of tulips. Well in all honesty there were also daffodils. They were pretty too, but kinda dead. Apparently we missed the prime of the daffodils. The tulips were part of my "secret date" which is meant like the destination was secret, not the fact that we were on date. At least I think so ... crap. In any case, this was my last weekend with said boy being that he leaves for stupid Alaska until September. Who likes Alaska anyway? OK, here are a couple pictures of the insane amounts of flowers that I saw. You should be horrible impressed.

Yes the first picture is of a tiny cute little Asian boy running around in the flowers, the second is one of my artsy attempts at my favorite purple ones, and the last is of these two really hot people we saw walking around.

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