Wednesday, April 23, 2008

it's early yet

So I just took a test. I did not prepare for it, in fact I shirked all responsibility, went over to the boys' house and watched TV, ate an entire pint of ice cream and just in general pretended that I didn't have an exam at 8:30. Well, I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm not confident in my performance. In fact I walked out of the room thinking, "so that's how it feels to get a solid C on a test. Well it isn't the first time, probably won't be the last." Then I realized that it COULD be the last! I'm graduating soon suckas! This very well could be the last time that I do marginally shitty on a test! Three bonus points for me.

Update on my cold!? Sure. I still have a head cold, complete with sniffles, attractive nose dripping, annoying horn blowing sound effects, and general nastiness. However, I have also evolved to sport a hacking cough complete with phlegmmy undertones. I'm a ball of sexual attraction. Also in reference to previous dirty clothes nose blowing mention, I chose a CLEAN t-shirt to sit by my bed to blow my nose on. I know you were curious.
If I were a dog, this is exactly how I would picture myself coughing. Also eerily similar to how I actually look ... when coughing.

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