Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I'm fascinated by cults. I don't understand them, I think they are crazy, and it really cements to me just how insane people are and are willing to do anything to belong to something. The most recent cult that I learned about is called The Family International and they are equally crazy. Basically they used to promote the intense sexualization of children. Mostly I think that the leader was a pedophile who wanted a lot of available children at his disposal ... so sad. I read the wikipedia entry which about every paragraph says, "written like a story, not know if it's factual" or some such nonsense like that. Gotta love wiki, "everyone on the Internet can edit it, so you always know you're getting the best possible information" oh Michael Scott.

Anywho, it was nutty. Notable members: my lover Joaquin Phoenix and brother River Phoenix who said it was "ruining lives" (he lost his virginity at age 4 after being in the cult as a child). Also Rose McGowan.
I really am a tiny bit in love with Joaquin Phoenix ...


KeeleyMarie said...

they were in a cult!?

Notice I am catching up on your blog here...

Anonymous said...

Heh - It's interesting how information gets so skewed by the media and those looking for a sensation.

Always look for all sides to a story before choosing a stance.

I'm in the Family International - have been my whole life - have never been intensely sexualized (what does that mean anyway?) - practically an old maid etc etc. I'm 21 BTW :)

I know you'll probably never see this comment, but I'm putting it here just so that, in case anyone else stumbles across this - like I did - They'll get the other side, and thus be able to make an educated choice about whether or not we are crazy.

I mean, crazy is really a relative term nowadays. You can be crazy for doing just about anything, if its not considered the norm your sphere of society.

Yea - they all say we're a sex cult and that we abuse children. I've never been abused, seen abuse or abused others.
I was born second generation just like the Phoenix's.
Either way - we've been tried in court and proven innocent multiple times. Its an old and worn out lie, but keeps being used because its such an eye catcher.
Of course, to us, the concept of abusing a child in any way is so foreign that its hard for us to imagine how people come up with these things - but I suppose its because in society at large, its so rampant that it's become a normal fear to have - right up there with a fear of heights and rollercosters.
Never used to be like this. So sick and sad.

Either way - you probably won't believe me - because we believe some weird things like "love is the most important thing" and "all you need is love" (Wait..wasn't that in a movie?)

We love Jesus so much that we're willing to spend our lives living for Him, instead of for money.
We also love Him so much that we consider ourselves married to Him - because there isn't a better human relationship to describe that mature level of love. If you can think of one that is more accepted, let me know :)
But like I said - those things are considered crazy these days. Who knows what will be crazy next. Best be prepared though - could be your favorite past time.

I hope this at least, helps you see that you've gotta sometimes dig a little deeper and not be led along so blindly by what you first encounter.

And if you ever meet one of us on the street, try and see if we really ARE nice, normal, happy, upstanding citizens who generally care more for the people around us than your average joe blo.

Keep it real my hommie!

- Tory

Deanna Doogan said...

Oh Tory, thank goodness for email alerts on comments, I hope you have them on too so that you can get this comment as well. Being that I'm a very organized person (or so I like to think) I'm going to make my retort into a number list.

1. I believe that i mentioned in this post about how skewed my information was, I even mocked my source, Wikipedia, because after all wikipedia is kinda crappy.

2. I'm sorry you're in a cult, but by goodness you can believe whatever you want to believe, just like I can believe that you're crazy. Because I can believe whatever I want to believe.

3. You're absolutely right, crazy is a relative term. Just as I think that you're crazy, you probably think that I'm crazy. But you know what IS crazy. Seeking out a six month old blog post of complete stranger and allowing me to "get all the facts"

4. I don't think fear of your cult is as common as the fear of heights and rollercosters. Actually I think you might be flattering yourself there. I (and I'm guessing a countless amount of other people) have never even heard of your cult, thus able to be scared of it

5. I also think it's great that you mention Christian based beliefs as cores of what you believe too. If you knew anything about me, or read anything else in my blog you would also see that I think all that is crazy as well! The whole bit, while it is still more accepted, I think that Christianity, Jesus the whole thing, is just a made of way for people to not feel so lost and confused and if thats what gets you through the day then go for it. I still think it's crazy.

6. I'm glad that you hope this made me dig a little deeper. Indeed if I was writing a paper or giving a speech or something I WOULD dig a little deeper, but alas, this is my blog. The place where I can skew results and opinion and laugh about it later. I can literally say whatever I want. In a recent post I said that baby Meerkats were the cutest animals alive. I'm not going to dig any deeper though into what makes it cute, or why, or who agrees or disagrees because it's MY BLOG, I can make that assertion.

7. If I ever meet one of you on the street I will treat you just as any other person. As long as you don't try to push your beliefs on me, I won't push mine on you. That is, until you enter my personal blog and make comments, then I take complete reign on saying whatever I want.

8. Keep it real my hommie? yikes.

So just as I believe that baby Meerkats are the cutest animals alive, I still think you're crazy.