Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Ok, so I like the Patriots (New England Football ... roll with me). You will note that a couple posts ago I talked about my love for Wes Welker. Well the game last night had me worried. I had to watch it in pieces since I was at the gym, then at home and making dinner and just in general not sitting down watching it. First of all, almost nothing happened with my boyfriend. I don't even know if he had any catches, he might have in the first half ... I didn't see most of it. I did see him late hit someone, which frankly is ballsy considering that he is a tiny little bloke, only like an inch or two taller than me (we're made for each other). The end of the game though was insane. If it wasn't for all those penalities, that horrible time out that got called by the Raven's sideline, and the intense 35 yards worth of penalties after the life saving Patriot TD at the end, the Pats might not have won that sucker. I guess it's a testimate of how they never gave up, and a good team always has it's head together even when it gets crazy. They didn't do nutty stuff, false start or anything, they just played the game and tried to win .. and they did. The punters though sure had their workouts last night. It was 3rd and out on so many posessions in a row! Their legs are probably sore today. Now I'm just waiting for Sunday for my lovers to play the Steelers, who I also like, but I'm rooting for the Pats, I don't have a boyfriend in Pittsburg.

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