Saturday, December 1, 2007


I have about ten thousand things I should be doing right now, alas I am doing none of them. Here are the things I have to do:

E-mail a group member to remind him to do his homework (I'm the mom of the group sometimes)
Make 3 PowerPoint slides, even this seems like too much work to do right now
Fake four meeting agendas, this will take me no more than 20 minutes, again, no motivation
Write a 5-8 page research proposal. I'm about four pages in, and just can't finish. It's due day after tomorrow
Write one journal entry of 250 words, again, ten minutes, don't wanna do it.
Prepare notecards for my presentation on Thursday
Work on my take-home final (thats not due for over a week, there is plenty of time!)

Looking at the list, it's really not all that much, I just really don't want to do any of it. Plus, it's snowing which means that unless I want to die from all the idiot stick drivers out there I'll be taking the bus everywhere for the next week or until it melts. I swear to god, Bellingham has the worst snow management of any place I've ever been. They don't plow, sand, de-ice NADA! It makes life treacherous when there is only half an inch of snow! Not to mention that I live up a very tiny hill, but once it ices and then freezes over, you can't drive your car up it to save your life. AND the classic parking issues are going on. People steal your spot, don't leave any visitor ones, the management doesn't care and isn't doing anything about it, and the neighbors don't give a shit or respect that we do in fact have assigned parking. It's very frustrating. So in an effort to find my happy place, I have all the candles in the house lit, I'm trying to keep the lights low, the heat on, and I'm wearing a home-made beanie and sweats.

Here is my exciting plan for tomorrow:

Get up quasi early
Go to work for a couple hours, hopefully Evan and Steve will be there to distract me somewhat
Go to the gym for a couple hours. Long hard workouts, with the snow I might have to miss some later on
Come home and work hard on my paper
If nothing is getting accomplished on the paper, go to school and lock myself into a lab, I work better under those circumstances

And now for my early New Year's resolution:
Be much more private (or secretive) about my private life and goings on. It's no one's business but my own, and I'm sharing far to much with the world, even if it's to people that I care about.

Note: This picture is not from Bellingham, it's from somewhere called Grantham.

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