Tuesday, October 9, 2007


It is fall in Bellingham. This means: rain occasionally, overcast, windy, generally cold, but every once in a while it will be nice and warm. I love fall in Bellingham. If it wasn't for the amazingly temperate and comfortable springs, I would say its my favorite season here. The leaves started changing really early this year, probably towards the end of August, early September, and I love walking through all the bright red, orange and yellow leaves, it's nice. Fall also unfortunately means that school has started and its time to stress myself into oblivion about anything and everything related, or not, to school. My current list of worries:

1. I have to graduate in spring, which means I have to apply for my degree by Dec. 7, I find that terrifying.

2. Week five is going to kick my ass. I have a big project, presentation, or paper due in every single one of my classes that week. Not so fair.

3. My parents are not so excited about my post college tentative ideas for work and or living. They'll come around ... or I'll change my mind, we will see.

4. I am always and forever behind on my work with the lockshop, I just can't seem to get ahead! I do a whole bunch of stuff and then find months worth of work just shoved into some random corner that I need to deal with. I can only do it for four hours a week, and at that rate its never ever going to get done. I should probably talk to someone about that.

5. I'm already behind in my reading, in week three, that might be a record. And its not like I can get away with it, I have pop quizzes in two of my three classes. Awesome.

Overall though I like my classes, I'm having fun in my small groups and everything should work out fine. It's just a matter of time management and making myself do the things that I need to do, before doing the things that I WANT to do. eh hem 80's night.

On the note of 80's night. Last week I walked away with a nice bruise by my eye. How classy. The best part is that no one can remember exactly what happened. Gaby can remember me complaining about it, Rachel has no idea, and everyone else just remembers me saying that I thought I was going to get a black eye. Also I told my mom that I slept on 'the boys' couch, and she called me a whore. It was great. At least she didn't tell me she was going to shoot me in the head like the last time I was home ... I guess that's something.
ps, a hot guy just rolled through the VC and asked me about the gym. I got flustered and gave him horrible information. Then we both just sat there smiling at each other for like ten seconds. It was super awkward. I'm pretty sure he hates me haha.

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