Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well, I got sick approximately seven hours ago. I woke up today, throat a little sore, blew my nose a couple times, nothing to write home about. Went to work (Evan scared the shit out of me, snuck up behind me and when I turned around I about had a heart attack, I was shaking for ten minutes and my heart rate was out of control ... mean), then I headed off to the gym for a freakishly long workout on the eliptical, even by my standards, came home, talked to Chelsea, got in the shower. Sat on the couch and BAM! Sick. So I laid around like a bum in sweatpants for a while, did some homework and went up to campus to print some stuff. I still didn't feel TOO horribly bad, so on the way home I went and got some orange juice thinking "I'll head this thing off at the pass, get me some Vitamin C!" didn't work. I drank a glass when I got home, settled into the couch for a couple hours and just got increasingly more stuffed up. Just now I sneezed twice in between taking decongestant pills. That's just silly. So now I'm all stuffed up, heading into my busiest week so far in the quarter and I'm a little grumpy about it. Plus I hate working out when I'm sick, but I'm still going to go to the gym! In any event, that is my news for today ... I'm sick. And I really hate whoever made me sick.

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