Tuesday, October 30, 2007

more dull than usual

Well my VC shift tonight should be even more uneventful than normal. Shortly before I came out to the VC the camera and sound stopped working. So essentially I am sitting here at a drive-up waiting to answer questions, but anyone who drives up can't see me, hear me, and I can't see or hear them. What's the point? So now I have to rely on the fact that someone is desperate enough to walk over to dispatch, be buzzed into the building and then walk over to where I'm sitting. My guess is that I get no customers tonight. I'm pretty much ok with that. I don't have a lot, but I have some homework that I can do, so I guess I'll be getting ahead in my classes tonight.

Interesting news as of late? I have transitioned to running (more like jogging) on the treadmill at the gym, and away from the eliptical, though I'm sure I will go back to it when my knees start giving me too much trouble. I like it, I feel like I'm actually doing a hard workout and not just watching tv for half an hour. I ran for just over 15 minutes last night after doing the rest of my workout, and then this morning I ran for 25 minutes in lieu of doing other cardio. We will see if this has any impact on my weigh in for the week.

The Sultan Olympics are this weekend. Otherwise known as the Sultan Olys. I have been hearing so much about them over the last couple weeks that I am very excited to actually go and take part. From what I understand there are events such as "tire throw" "white trash relay" and other gems like that. Basically it's a reason to get a keg and drink for a long time (I believe it starts around noon on saturday and goes until everyone passes out or whatever) and make a huge bonfire, which Drew assures me is in fact quite giant. I'm excited, it should be a good time.

Other than that, things are pretty mundane. I'm glad that midterms week is over and it's back to slow paced middle of the quarter. Only a few weeks left!

UPDATE: I did just have a customer ask me where else he could go to the doctor since the health center just closed. I don't him the emergency room and he laughed and said it wasn't that bad. Well if it's not bad enough for the emergency room, it can probably wait until tomorrow morning when the health center opens dude.

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