Friday, October 19, 2007


School is starting to be busy, I don't care for that. So much busy work it seems like. I am not really doing any of substance, just a lot of e-mailing people for credit and doing little worksheets, it's a slice of ridiculous.

The nightlight continues to rule my Thursdays with an iron fist, but I do care for that. Last night I saw about 20 people from my classes, I danced with a guy who is in my small group for one class it was kinda funny. Then we both said, "see this is what group members do, get drunk and dance". I think I might suggest making our group meeting at the nightlight, and/or another bar, maybe thats a tiny bit quieter.

I continued to scam sleeping over at the boys' house. This time though I was not just limited to the extremely broken hide-a-bed (Evan pretty much destroyed what was left of it last night), I got to sleep in Drew's bed because he was not there. Pretty much Drew has the most comfortable bed ever. I slept really late, I usually try to get out of there early in the morning because when it's like and I look all crazy I feel a little bad about how I always sleep over there haha. But I slept really late, I could hear Evan downstairs getting ready for school and I bolted haha.

I'm unsure what I'm thinking of The Office this season. It's still funny, and maybe it's because I'm usually drinking while watching, but it doesn't seem AS funny as it used to. I mean, I would laugh out loud through most of it last season, and still do when I watch it on DVD. This season is funny, but I don't find myself hysterically laughing like before ... we'll see. Also, I'm unsure about the hour long episodes, I think they drag a little bit sometimes. We will see how my opinions change as the year goes on.

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