Thursday, June 12, 2008


Other tids I forgot to mention in my facebook induced fit of embarassment:

  • KJW tells me things when she's drunk that are icky. In all fairness, KJW tells me things when she's sober that are icky.
  • Kunta-Courthouse now has a snazzy blog link on my list of important nouns
  • Two days until I graduate.
  • Three hours until I get my cap and gown and dance around like an idiot in it while listening to Whitney Houston.
  • Six hours until my quarterly Thai date with my room mate.
  • Sevenish hours until Big Mamas with Em, Erin, I think Kunta Courthouse and perhaps KJW? I don't know the official guestlist, but I know it includes me, strawberries and multiple shots of tequilla, and I'm happy about that.

That is all. Happy Thursday (my last in the ham ... sadness)!


Anonymous said...

I do not appreciate that this is your last week in Bham. No good. I do, however, appreciate pig in boots. Wonderful. Amazing.

Deanna Doogan said...

well with any luck it is just for a bit. pig in boots is my favorite animal in shoes possibly ever.

are you big mama-ing? because you should

KJW said...

You begged, BEGGED, for the icky info. You did.