Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tank Top Party

Well last night was the tank top party. It was a fucking shit show, and really fun. I drank too much I'm pretty sure, but I tend to do that when I'm having a good time. These last couple days have been a ton of fun, I'm so glad that Katie O came up for the shananigans. Shananigans has been the un-official word I think for the last couple days ...

80's night was epic per usual. It was a particularly good one with the home homie up, also Chelsea came out which was great as usual, I got to see Meerkat for the first time in seemingly forever, and I got to see my little Em too! Reunions abound. Somehow I accumulated a 30 dollar tab at the nightlight which kind angered me, but I guess it was both me and Katie.

Then tank top party was on Friday. Me and miss Katie got there fashionably late because we had to look very cute, and it worked, we looked pretty darn cute ... per usual. There was 80's music all around, we did Whitney (there were shananigans during Whitney that I'm sure Evan would yell at me about if he knew, or maybe he does, who knows. Whitney is sacred). Tons of fun dancing and hanging out, saw some people I hadn't seen in a while, enjoyed watching the boys dance as usual, bummed I missed the nog bong though, but I did get to see a wine bong! Thank goodness for Maxy being out of town so that I got to sleep in a real bed, with real privacy, and not have to worry about people walking through the living room while I'm sleeping. I got to see Drew's pictures from last night, and Katie's and they both were very entertaining. Now I just have to wait and see Gaby's, which I know are going to be way worse thanks to Meerkat taking lots of candids, and pictures of the window to Maxy's room when I was in there, that scared the shit out of me. There were some pretty funny ones of me dancing with ... people. I look cute, other people look creepy, at least in the Drew version of the dancing. I know that Gaby has like six pictures of the same events. So overall the tank top party was a success, wore the good ole summer league jersey from Cashmere basketball, can't beat that, and Owen did my makeup so I looked pretty hot, apparently it did its job ... I'm sad that I won't be seeing my boys now until after break though, I'm just going to sit around and mope on Thursdays when I know I should be at the Nightlight getting elbowed in the face while footloose plays in the background. I may just have to come back up early for the New Year's party, that could be fun.

So now I'm just preparing to go home tomorrow. I'm not so jazzed about driving over the pass thats for sure. I have a bunch of packing to do, probably some laundry, and just in general getting my shit together, I should probably clean too so I don't come back to filth ... we'll see.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Physical Therapy

Today was my first appointment with the physical therapist trainer lady. It went pretty well, it was very business, there was so little small talk and pleasantries I almost felt uncomfortable. I mean she was nice and all, she would comment after the really hard exercises and ask me how they went with a smirk and everything, but it was very business. I think it was because there were like three other people in there trying to do therapy at the same time. The most disturbing part was right when I got there she was evaluating me and talking about what hurt and everything, manipulating my knee and feeling around and everything. She told me to sit on the edge of the table (you've seen those tall training room tables) and bend my knee in and out. My right knee has a slight move off to the side (see previous post), but when I did it with my left knee, you could visibly see it move WAY off to one side, grinding the shit out of my femur. She was like "see, watch that, wow, that's really off to the side". Then she showed me all these charts of the muscle that was weak, she measured my quads because I guess my right one is visibly weaker than the other. My left quad is like half an inch or something smaller than the right, but the muscle is way weaker from "years of knee pain" haha. I tend to wait until something is really bad before I go to the doctor. So in any case I was given like five different exercises that I have to do, two of which are kinda hard and I broke a sweat doing them, the others are not so bad, but it's really hard not to go too deep into them, the movements are so minuscule, but I can really feel them in the muscle. So I have to do this over break, then come back and see her again to re-evaluate everything. I am going to try and be very diligent about this too because it's fucking painful, and I want to get back into running. I'm supposed to stay away from any sort of deep knee bend, especially with resistance, and avoid going down steep hills or stairs (which is impossible, I live on the third floor of my building!) So that is my physical homework for break, which is better than any other homework I'm pretty sure.
(Note: I am not pictured here)

Katie Owen is coming up tonight for 80's and tank top party tomorrow! I'm fucking excited it's silly. Katie, Meerkat, Em, Erin, Chelsea all my homies I never see are going to be out! AHHHH I'm busting Jerry, busting.

Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm not aging gracefully

Well I finally went to the doctor today to get my knee checked out. I have had knee problems for years, like since sophomore year of high school, but I always just put a brace on and sucked it up (read: complained until everyone hated me for it). Well it has gotten so bad recently that I can hardly walk sometimes. So I went into the doctor, had a check-up (they made me take my pants off, so I had to get checked out in my underpants, then walk around the room in my underpants so that they could see how my feet roll around when walking ... embarrassing!). After the whole ordeal I was diagnosed with Patello-Femoral syndrome. Meaning, one of the muscles in my thigh (there are two connected to the patella that control its movement) is stronger than the other, so when it moves my patella around, it pulls harder and throws the whole bit out of whack, making my patella grind against my femur. Pleasant right? The lady just kept going "I know this hurts very badly, I know this is very uncomfortable" damn straight it is! So I got a referral to go to the trainer on campus to get some rehabilitation exercises and then hopefully it should start to get better. The trainer is only there from 8:00-12:00 so I have to wake my butt up early one of these days (probably Thursday) and go over there. I hope it's not painful, and I hope it works!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Coop Troop

Is it just me or is Anderson Cooper kinda beautiful. I do like the oldies ...


so i once dated this guy. also i met his ex-girlfriend tonight at the bar. we have decided to be friends. why not!??!?!?! we might even start a facebook group called " i once dated _______" it should be monumental. me and three girls i knew all had dated in the same circle. it was funny and gross ahaha. i love them. Should out to angela and jessica!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So I'm making an effort to blog again. Not that anyone actually read this, but I like going back and reading old posts. So here is a video that Gaby had me watch today at work, and I giggled ... a lot.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Ok, so I like the Patriots (New England Football ... roll with me). You will note that a couple posts ago I talked about my love for Wes Welker. Well the game last night had me worried. I had to watch it in pieces since I was at the gym, then at home and making dinner and just in general not sitting down watching it. First of all, almost nothing happened with my boyfriend. I don't even know if he had any catches, he might have in the first half ... I didn't see most of it. I did see him late hit someone, which frankly is ballsy considering that he is a tiny little bloke, only like an inch or two taller than me (we're made for each other). The end of the game though was insane. If it wasn't for all those penalities, that horrible time out that got called by the Raven's sideline, and the intense 35 yards worth of penalties after the life saving Patriot TD at the end, the Pats might not have won that sucker. I guess it's a testimate of how they never gave up, and a good team always has it's head together even when it gets crazy. They didn't do nutty stuff, false start or anything, they just played the game and tried to win .. and they did. The punters though sure had their workouts last night. It was 3rd and out on so many posessions in a row! Their legs are probably sore today. Now I'm just waiting for Sunday for my lovers to play the Steelers, who I also like, but I'm rooting for the Pats, I don't have a boyfriend in Pittsburg.


I'm fascinated by cults. I don't understand them, I think they are crazy, and it really cements to me just how insane people are and are willing to do anything to belong to something. The most recent cult that I learned about is called The Family International and they are equally crazy. Basically they used to promote the intense sexualization of children. Mostly I think that the leader was a pedophile who wanted a lot of available children at his disposal ... so sad. I read the wikipedia entry which about every paragraph says, "written like a story, not know if it's factual" or some such nonsense like that. Gotta love wiki, "everyone on the Internet can edit it, so you always know you're getting the best possible information" oh Michael Scott.

Anywho, it was nutty. Notable members: my lover Joaquin Phoenix and brother River Phoenix who said it was "ruining lives" (he lost his virginity at age 4 after being in the cult as a child). Also Rose McGowan.
I really am a tiny bit in love with Joaquin Phoenix ...

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I have about ten thousand things I should be doing right now, alas I am doing none of them. Here are the things I have to do:

E-mail a group member to remind him to do his homework (I'm the mom of the group sometimes)
Make 3 PowerPoint slides, even this seems like too much work to do right now
Fake four meeting agendas, this will take me no more than 20 minutes, again, no motivation
Write a 5-8 page research proposal. I'm about four pages in, and just can't finish. It's due day after tomorrow
Write one journal entry of 250 words, again, ten minutes, don't wanna do it.
Prepare notecards for my presentation on Thursday
Work on my take-home final (thats not due for over a week, there is plenty of time!)

Looking at the list, it's really not all that much, I just really don't want to do any of it. Plus, it's snowing which means that unless I want to die from all the idiot stick drivers out there I'll be taking the bus everywhere for the next week or until it melts. I swear to god, Bellingham has the worst snow management of any place I've ever been. They don't plow, sand, de-ice NADA! It makes life treacherous when there is only half an inch of snow! Not to mention that I live up a very tiny hill, but once it ices and then freezes over, you can't drive your car up it to save your life. AND the classic parking issues are going on. People steal your spot, don't leave any visitor ones, the management doesn't care and isn't doing anything about it, and the neighbors don't give a shit or respect that we do in fact have assigned parking. It's very frustrating. So in an effort to find my happy place, I have all the candles in the house lit, I'm trying to keep the lights low, the heat on, and I'm wearing a home-made beanie and sweats.

Here is my exciting plan for tomorrow:

Get up quasi early
Go to work for a couple hours, hopefully Evan and Steve will be there to distract me somewhat
Go to the gym for a couple hours. Long hard workouts, with the snow I might have to miss some later on
Come home and work hard on my paper
If nothing is getting accomplished on the paper, go to school and lock myself into a lab, I work better under those circumstances

And now for my early New Year's resolution:
Be much more private (or secretive) about my private life and goings on. It's no one's business but my own, and I'm sharing far to much with the world, even if it's to people that I care about.

Note: This picture is not from Bellingham, it's from somewhere called Grantham.