Friday, September 21, 2007

Steve Miller

I have been waiting for most of the summer to attend the Steve Miller concert. Now a little background, I love Steve Miller, as with most of my older music taste (The Eagles, James Taylor, Chicago, The Beach Boys etc) it was nurtured by my parents and how they always had music playing around the house. Steve Miller is no exception. So when my Grandpa read me the names of the bands performing at the fair this year (he gets free tickets and it was my year to choose), I of course jumped on Steve Miller. Last year me and my sister and her friend big Mike went to see the Beach Boys and we got to sit on the infield not all that far back from the stage it was pretty sweet. So here is a recount of the adventure of Steve Miller:

Gaby and I left Bellingham shortly before 5:00 for the concert that was to start at 7:30, now I knew this would be cutting it close, but I was hoping that traffic would not be too bad and we could stop by my Grandpa's house to say hi and thank him for the tickets. Well we got in the car, and of course traffic was horrendous around Everett, then once we took the exit there was insane road construction which sent me on a detour through the Fife High School parking lot where I was almost hit by a 16-year-old driver with no reverse lights on his ancient Honda. So we weave our way around Puyallup until we get to the fair, it is precisely 7:36 when we arrive, we can hear someone performing. So after getting into the wrong lines, going to the bathroom and just generally wandering around lost, we notice that our seats are in the grandstands, not in the infield. The row 9 that I had been bragging about, was in fact, row 9 of the grandstands, probably 100 rows from the stage ... at least I had a good view? So we sit on our metal bench and watch the opener who I swear was playing Steve Miller songs which just confused me, I thought "Steve Miller isn't a black man dressed like Jimi Hendricks who plays guitar with his teeth ... right?". No. Eventually Steve Miller came on. He was amazing. He opened with some classics including my favorite song of all time "True Fine Love", it was great to hear it played live. He went into a blues set for a little over an hour, and brought out the opener Randy Hansen. I will admit, he lost me around hour two, the blues stuff was great, but lets be honest I was there for the greatest hits. Well he closed in amazing fashion with "The Joker" and then during the encore "Serenade", "Jet Airliner", "Swingtown" all the good stuff. Then we drove back up to Bellingham, leaving Puyallup at about 11:00. This was not a smart move on my part. I will admit it, I was doing some hardcore head nodding on the drive, so unsafe, and very very stupid. BUT we got back ok, around 1:30 and I passed out until 7:05 when I had to get up and dressed for work at 7:30. This summer ... lots of being out late and waking up early. I just want to sleep in!

Steve Miller (the older one, like I saw) is pictured. He is, in fact, not a black man dressed like Jimi Hendricks who plays guitar with his teeth.

1 comment:

KeeleyMarie said...

DIANA!!!!!!!! I AM A BIT ANGRY WITH YOU AND GABY....DO YOU KNOW HOW CLOSE I AM TO THE FAIR!?!?!?! You could have crashed here if you were too tired to drive!!!!! Or at least stopped by!