Friday, September 21, 2007

Britney Spears

I'll admit it, I'm starting to feel a little sorry for this train wreck. I mean first she married Kevin Federline, clearly a mistake, then she let him knock her up ... twice. Her career totally tanked, everyone made fun of her and how white trash she got. Then they broke up, she was left with two kids, both of which she didn't take care of (fractured skull, almost dropped on the pavement, driving with no car seat etc. etc. etc.). She performed at the VMAs looking drunk or drugged or something, she looked out of it and her 'big comeback' sucked ass. She is all over the place partying and doing drugs, she shaved her head and entered rehab like three times in a week it seems like. Then just this week she got dropped by her new agent (it was brave of him to take her on in the first place), she is still getting crap about her VMA performance, she got ordered to do random drug testing in her ongoing battle for custody with K.Fed, and just today she got charged with felony hit and run for hitting a car and leaving back in August, all of which the paparazzi caught on tape.

Man, when one types it all out like that, it's mildly impressive! Now I do still think she is crazy and is making a bad situation worse by many of her actions, but I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for her in all her madness. She isn't normal, so she can't do anything without everyone jumping all over her. I'm unsure where this post is headed, because I don't feel sorry enough to stop reading all about her on Perez and then judging her from my cushy little anonymous bubble.

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