Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bus Pass

Well today I bit (is that right?) the bullet and went and picked up my bus pass. Now a little background on why I consider this biting the bullet:

1. The bus pass initiative was passed by only 1800 or so people (out of 13,000 students at WWU) by 80%. They have since said that it was passed by 80%, no, it hasn't.
2. Everyone has to buy the bus pass, it is included in tuition, no matter if you want it or not.
3. It has increased tension in the parking office 10 fold.
4. It has turned parking into the bad guys on several different areas, only a couple points are valid.
5. They are saying 'everyone gets a free bus pass' no they don't.
6. They made a lot of promises that they are not holding true on, late night service and expanded services.
7. The late night shuttle is only good for Western students, people can't just pay a fare, which I don't think is right. And they are using our shuttles, not WTA buses!
8. WTA isn't doing nearly enough even though we are giving them THOUSANDS of dollars.
9. The sustainability people are stuck on their high horse.
10. I didn't wanna go to the library to pick up my card haha.

The whole thing just kinda irks me, not to mention that people are coming into the office trying to buy their passes and we tell them we don't have them, and they get pissed. Really pissed. We literally have three signs posted around the office, one on a window facing the road, one on the front door, and a sandwich board literally right out front of the door and people still walk in and bitch. Really its the other people that piss me off, but oh well. I am getting a discounted pass (compared to last year) so I guess I should be happy. It just sucks for everyone who won't ride the bus!

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