Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am IN LOVE with the show Dexter. You hear me world!?!? IN LOVE. Plus I just got to see his butt in a saucy love scene. Well probably his butt doubles butt, anywho, his butt double at least has a noice bum. I heart crime drama. I got my minor in criminology because I love crime drama. I'm a weirdy. My ex-boyfriend promised to give me the serial killer encyclopedia for my birthday, most sadly we broke up before then ... dammit. Gift ideas kids.

In short, I love Dexter.


KeeleyMarie said...

Did you get Dexter at the library?

KJW said...

You need to talk to Drew about this. Every time I call him, he's all, "Dexter, Dexter, Dexter. I am in love with Dexter. I am going to marry Dexter. Dexter and I are going on a date and he is bringing me flowers."

Well, kiiiind of like that. Maybe it's more like, "We watched Dexter again last night. That's a great show." But still.

Deanna Doogan said...

yes i did get dexter at the library, and YES Drew and I have spoken briefly via facebook status about how much we LOOOOOOVE dexter.