Wednesday, September 24, 2008

new job

I can feel you out there wondering what my new job was like. Let me give you some tids:

one crazy supervisor
one adorable little boy, yes a child runs around the office
one small white poofy dog named spike
one lady training me who has only worked there three weeks
many new office policies that i may never learn
one walk around downtown running errands
four average to large sized blisters from new dress shoes
one compliment on new dress clothes that i had to buy
two hours before i was forced to answer the phone for the first time
one time getting reprimanded from the owner of the company
one eye roll from the owner of the company
one time the owner of the company told us "nice little ladies" at the front not to carry large boxes
one exhausted little lady

bought new shoes after work
bought 120 dollars worth of groceries
watched four episodes of the office (so far) on my computer because i don't have a tv (or bed, or couch, or table, or chairs or anything to sit on, or anything to set things on)

going to bed at 10 ... i'm officially old now, thats when old people go to bed

pumped for the season premiere of the office tomorrow

might drink one of the 24 ounce coors lights i bought


1 comment:

KJW said...

I am going to bed in, like, twenty minutes. And I'm not drinking any beer. You are still younger/cooler than me.

Holla' for groceries and Michael Scott!