Sunday, September 28, 2008

i have stuff ... and things

So I finally have stuff in my apartment that isn't clothes or two plates. Yes thats right, I have finally moved all of my furniture, and random shit into my apartment. I actually am writing this post from my bed ... oo la la. And no, not my bed of a foam egg crate pad with an old comforter on it, my actual mattress bed. It's mild to moderately awesome. Closer to moderately. So here I am feeling like i'm actually living in this apartment, it's pretty nice. Tomorrow I will go to work and when I come home I will plop down on my couch and watch the office on dvd and feel good. Oh, my couch was all saggy in the middle so I went to Lowe's and bought a piece of wood to put in it to un-sag it. Mark the day, it was my very first home improvement project ... in this apartment. I had one other home improvement project in my last apartment where I bought a shower head extension because the water hit me between the shoulder blades and my thighs started getting sore from squatting to rinse my hair in the shower. It was a situation. So there you go. Now my couch is firm, I can cook, eat, entertain. All in all things are shaping up quite nicely. Go new apartment ... that doesn't look like a homeless person is squatting in it anymore!

1 comment:

KJW said...

Now it's time to get a water buffalo. No apartment is complete without water buffalo.