Saturday, June 28, 2008


camp has sucked all my free time. this was my horoscope:

You shouldn't expect to make very much progress in anything today

It's extrodinarily accurate.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I have not taken a shower today, and no one gives too shits about it. Blam, working at summer camp is fun.

Camp update

Camp thus far has still been busy. Lots of oreientation and learning how to do everything. It's fun to be meeting so many new people and making connections with the people that I work with and live with and everything.

I'm starting to have concerns about the food situation. It is fried, greasy, cheesey and just plain made for kids. I find myself eating a salad at every meal ... with the greasey cheesey pasta with eight types of meat and whatnot, it's going to be a problem. Yesterday we went to this girls camp down the street called Romaca, which is affectionately called HO-maca by all the female staff of my camp. It's very odd how the directors of each camp whore their staff out to each other because they become so deprived of the opposite sex. It was funny to watch (especially the younger guys) run around after the girls and put on shit tons of cologne and try to impress them. The girls and me just sat around and talked about how their dining room was sub-par to ours, there was not enough food, they were mean, and just in general how our camp is much better. Clearly having a staff of about 200 here right now and around 20-25 of them being women is pretty good odds. Not to mention that of those 20-25 women they are either way out of the age range of the people here, married, have children, or are dating one of the guys that are already here. Its a perk. And I just found out that HO-maca is coming HERE for dinner which kinda sucks because now I feel social pressure to dress up in somewhat decent clothes. Lame.

OH, another perk of this job, I can not shower, wear gym clothes, and its perfectly fine and even encouraged. Some of the highest ranking people wear shitty gym clothes that are ripped and paint splattered and no one cares! Plus once the kids get here we have shirts assigned so we only have to worry about pants.

Ok, not much else is going on in life. We have been going out a lot and I'm tired! I have turned into a big dull dud in my old age. Ok, more news later.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

MORE pig in boots

So you didn't think life could get any better after pig in boots? Well you were wrong, here is VIDEO of pig in boots!


Other tids I forgot to mention in my facebook induced fit of embarassment:

  • KJW tells me things when she's drunk that are icky. In all fairness, KJW tells me things when she's sober that are icky.
  • Kunta-Courthouse now has a snazzy blog link on my list of important nouns
  • Two days until I graduate.
  • Three hours until I get my cap and gown and dance around like an idiot in it while listening to Whitney Houston.
  • Six hours until my quarterly Thai date with my room mate.
  • Sevenish hours until Big Mamas with Em, Erin, I think Kunta Courthouse and perhaps KJW? I don't know the official guestlist, but I know it includes me, strawberries and multiple shots of tequilla, and I'm happy about that.

That is all. Happy Thursday (my last in the ham ... sadness)!

facebook ... you screwed me again

So I'm at work right now, facebooking because clearly I don't have any schoolwork to be doing (mini happy dance in honor of me). So this guy comes over to interrupt my stalking of high school classmates and their children. Ge comes over and says that there is a permit waiting for him. I find the paperwork and while I'm filling it out he looks over at the computer screen and goes "uh oh, facebooking at work huh" and of course being the big idiot that I am I go, "well of course, I'm all done with school I don't have any studying to do". We proceed to talk about graduation and whatnot and I fill out his paperwork wrong and have to start over. He looks at me and goes, "uh oh, you're blushing, you just got caught facebooking at work!" Clearly I REALLY start blushing. Did I mention that this is the really cute kinda nerdy personal trainer from the gym that I've had a crush on for oh ... two years!? And he's getting a permit to go take a picture with the President of the University because he's an outstanding scholar. I'm such a smooth operator. We then wish each other congratulations and he goes, well I guess I'll be seeing you Saturday afternoon! Crap.

I won't lie, I also then tried to stalk HIM a little on facebook because I now had his first and last name. Couldn't find him ...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last Test

I am about to leave to go take my very last test in college! I'm hoping it's very easy because I didn't really study all that much for it ... whoops. Here's to hoping that I pass and am given my degree!

I think I'm not grown up enough to be a college graduate ... hmm. Especially since I've been far more worried about what shoes I will wear to graduation, than finishing papers and studying for tests, I have my priorities.

PS, I think I'm going to borrow a pair of black patent leather peep toe cork wedges from Em for graduation, in case you were wondering.

PPS, that was A LOT of adjectives to adequately describe one pair of shoes

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

pig in boots

Clearly the cutest thing I have ever seen:

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I just real journaled for the first time in 5 months! I know this because like a really cool obsessed with record keeping freak I note the date and day of the week of each of my journal entries. Really cool right. It was a little bit ridic to go back and read what I was up to five months ago. There were many things that could have been called 'obvious foreshadowing' that I just didn't know at the time. Now I just want it to be five months from NOW so that I can go back and read THIS entry and think about how silly I was. Oh journals, they are fun.

OK, just for the record, the picture is actually a diary. I don't keep a diary. Diaries are for 13 year old who love people named Max ... apparently. I don't love Max ... well like that. I keep a journal, which is for serious people who are almost college graduates! Max, I still love you, just not in a 'you're a stud' and 'dogs rule' sort of way. I hope we can get through this.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Well I leave for camp in less than two weeks and I'm getting excited and nervous. Will east coasties understand me? Will I get confused easily by the fast paced world of the east coast? Will the the low context culture confused the high context west coastie in me? Is the language different? Will I get the accents? Will they get MY accent (that clearly I don't have)? Is the food going to make me sick? Do they even have food? So many questions. I don't have the answers!

I have one more day of classes (which I'm considering skipping because I just don't care that much).

I have three more work days (next week).

One final next Wednesday.

One paper due on Monday.

One bridesmaid dress to shop for.

One package of dirty bachelorette invites to buy.

One day of signing my apartment away to the sub-letter (thank god).

One digital camera to buy!

Did I mention that I have to drive a 14ft Uhaul from Woodinville to Puyallup?!? Dear god, that's exciting. I hope I don't die right before camp ... that would suck.

Um, that's all. My life is one big countdown right now.