Thursday, January 3, 2008


So in accordance to all bloggers I will do a quasi year in review post. Here are some important gems that I can remember.

1. I finished my Junior year of college.
2. I applied and was accepted to my major ... finally (communication, fyi)
3. I turned 21 years of age
4. I went to Reno with my mom, one of my best friends from home, and her mom for a few days to celebrate my birthday
5. I worked 40 hours a week at the PKO for the summer and have no money to show for it
6. I found a wonderful place called the nightlight, with a wonderful thing called 80's night. It's how I spent most of my Thursdays.
7. I started consuming alcoholic beverages at a rate that would impress sailors. I don't know if thats a highlight or a low light, I guess it depends on who you ask.
8. I infiltrated a new group of friends who I can hardly believe I haven't known for forever. I love them all so much and have so much freaking fun with them!
9. I started my Senior year of college.
10. I got the nickname the "office tart" for no reason at all, my co-workers can be rough sometimes.
11. I furthered my relationships with amazing friends, and introduced old friends to new ones, much to their ... pleasure.
12. I started a weight loss program with my friends quasi modeled after the Biggest Loser on NBC ... and won.
13. I'm starting to feel confident in myself 27 pounds lighter.
14. I'm looking forward to continuing my weight loss to a new healthy me.
15. I got to spend new years with some of the fellas who I absolutely adore, some who I have known longer than others.

Thats it I guess. It was a good year, I feel like I hit a lot of milestones this year, many that I hadn't planned on, some that I wish I hadn't hit. I'm looking forward to continuing being healthy in 2008, looking out for myself better, and being happy. Still looking for that ever elusive boy to sweep me off my feet, but I guess I just need to give it time haha. So farewell to 2007, I'm headed to the gym!

1 comment:

KJW said...

DD! (Initials, "Designated Driver," or "Dandelion Damner"? I will not tell you the answer.) You, too, have a blog!

We are the queens of the universe.