Wednesday, February 25, 2009


how did I know that Hugh Heffner and Holly broke up!?

Two things that made me happier after I found that out:

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have done all but 4 & 5. The real interaction parts ... dammit.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Under Construction

So my office is under construction right now, new siding or something, I don't know I don't really pay attention. HOWEVER, I do pay attention when there are 10,004 hot construction worker guys milling around the office and coming in to get water and popcorn and stuff. I had thought about this, but I'm so busy doing two peoples' jobs that I had not oggled them too much from the windows. THEN one of the executives at work questioned me about my relationship status and demanded that I go have lunch outside with workers or at least make one of them come inside and lift heavy things for me. That's embarrassing. I did however have to walk through all of their crap to get to my car, winks were exchanged. OK not really, I'm not that cool.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Yowza, George Bush's ranking on the list of best and worst presidents:

WASHINGTON - Just days after Americans honored the 200th anniversary of his birth, 65 historians ranked Abraham Lincoln as the best U.S. president.

Former President George W. Bush, who left office last month, was ranked 36th out of the 42 men who had been chief executive by the end of 2008, according to a survey conducted by the cable channel C-SPAN.

Bush scored lowest in international relations, where he was ranked 41st, and in economic management, where he was ranked 40th. His highest ranking, 24th, was in the category of pursuing equal justice for all. He was ranked 25th in crisis leadership and vision and agenda setting.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

better late

I forgot to wish everyone a happy Valentine's day. I personally don't believe in the holiday (because I'm single ...), but here is my gift to you!


So since I am now employed and don't have to do homework on the weekend, oh and I don't have a boyfriend taking up all my time, I get to give myself awesome projects to undertake. Today I made chili! Little known fact about me ... I don't eat meat. I know what you're thinking, "how on earth can you eat chili Diana with no meat!?" Simply answered, I didn't put meat in it. Here is what WAS in it:

Bell peppers
Pinto, black, kidney, and great northern (I believe formerly known as navy beans) beans
Crushed tomatoes
Fire roasted tomatoes with garlic
Green chilies
Lots of cock sauce (sriacha)
Chili, garlic, onion and cumin powders

Um, it was amazing. Also enough food to feed several families I'm pretty sure. I think I'll be eating chili for a year. Probably going to have to freeze some of it.

Another project, watching tons of movies that I've wanted to see or should have seen and haven't. Watched this weekend:

There Will be Blood: B
Cinderella Man: A (effing loved it, Russell Crowe is crazy but I love him)
Schindler's List: Half way through, pretty sure I'm going to sob.

Gearing up for another week of overtime everyday. Making those dollas ...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Char lieeeeee

I'm watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory, the Johnny Depp style one. I've been wanting to see it for quite some time and now that I'm watching it, I kinda hate it. Not only has the disc been skipping like mad (could be that I have the dvd player running non-stop or the communal dvd I'm watching), but Johnny Depp only makes me laugh every ten minutes or so, AND I love Gene Wilder, AND the new oompa loompas are weird and gross. I want midgets in orange face paint. I do like the Veruca Salt though, such a bizzo. OK, I'm going to ride it out, but my better instincts are telling me to turn it off and put on Hotel Rwanda. Ya know, something light.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Trouble at work, I will give full details after tomorrow, the proverbial shit is hitting the fan tomorrow.

Little man at work update: he got his birthday present today AND LOVED IT! Ran around the office showing everyone and screaming from across the room, MISS DIANA MISS DIANA COME LOOK AT THIS! That kid is so adorable, then he gave me two valentine candles and told me that I got two because I'm very special. Yeah, everyone else only got one! Then he gave me big hugs as thank yous for his present. UGH adorable.

Finished Dexter Season 1, holy ef word.

Might get netflix just so that I can have season two right away since I'm way down on the list for it at the library ... that's sick.

Jazzercized with Devin last night, I don't think I've ever laughed that hard while working out, oh my heavens. He is freaking insane, he would turn to me and make me hi five him about every three minutes, I loved it.

Big mama's in T-24 hours ... synchronize your watches bitches.

ps, I'm blogging while waiting for the bachelor to load online hahaha. I got addicted while on vacation but since I don't have cable I had to wait for it to get online. Diana = crazy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am IN LOVE with the show Dexter. You hear me world!?!? IN LOVE. Plus I just got to see his butt in a saucy love scene. Well probably his butt doubles butt, anywho, his butt double at least has a noice bum. I heart crime drama. I got my minor in criminology because I love crime drama. I'm a weirdy. My ex-boyfriend promised to give me the serial killer encyclopedia for my birthday, most sadly we broke up before then ... dammit. Gift ideas kids.

In short, I love Dexter.

Monday, February 2, 2009



1. I went on vacation to Disneyland with my family. Favorite quotes from the trip: "so I heard you wanted to hear what the vegetarian options are, we have a chicken linguini, and a shrimp linguini, we can take either off for you"

2. I read The Graduate, ONLY on planes. My first completely airborne book.

3. I'm riding the library free dvds and books train all the way to the bank. Not literally of course. But It's like saving three bucks every time I borrow a dvd from the library and don't rent.

4. Work is going pretty good and they TOLD me that I am doing really good.

5. I got to see multiple killer whales, they are awesome.

6. I got to see monkeys giving blow jobs, THAT is kinda hilarious.

7. I saw a FANTASTIC brown bear named blacky, he was 35 and hit around this funny ball with his head and slept almost the whole time except when I went, "hey blacky I'm on a double decker bus please come and say hello!" Then he came and said hello! I'll show you pictures, don't worry.

8. It was little work man's birthday today, I gave him bubbles and a diego animal rescue outfit, he LOVES miss Diana. We played bubbles outside for a while afterward.

9. um thats all i got for right now