Sunday, October 5, 2008

my first real weekend

What an exciting weekend I have had. Woah is me. First my little BP called me on Thursday from the road up to Bellingham. When he was not distracted by shifting, drinking soda, or the roadside corn he was going to barter for he told me that the office was NOT on. It devastated me. I love the office. So instead I watched the vice presidential debate, argued with my dad via text message, felt solidarity with miss keels and insulted my ex boyfriend about his barely legal current girlfriend. It amused me to no end. I actually did feel kinda bad about some of that, and kinda not about most of it.

Then on Friday me and miss Rachel went out for drinks and cheesey tortillas at Jalapenos. I love me some of those big mama's wooo weee. Then at the ripe old time of 9:00 we staggered over to the bar at Bob's and had more drinks. There was a creepy old man there, he was of course drawn to me. He tried chatting me up, staring at me, telling me I had beautiful eyes, that I was incredibly attractive and that I had a beautiful smile. I kept telling him that he was freaking me out and needed to stop. Then he touched my back ... too far. Rachel tried to save us by saying that we needed to meet a friend (an underage one) at another bar, the waitress came over with our bills in hand and a very apologetic look on her face when she saw he had descended on our table. It was nice. So we bolted, went to the Up, Rachel tried to make me hit on guys which I was just not feeling so much. So she cozied up to a weirdy while I texted miss Gaby, mister Dan and my Mom ahaha. Then I called Gaby to tell her all the weirdness that was going on. Eventually I was sober and ready to go home so of course I had to drive weirdy home. It was half way to my house, then I doubled back to take Rachel home then finally got home around one. It's tough being old and getting tired at 10:00.

Saturday I woke up and shortly after mister BP called me to go for some coffee. It was great. We went to this funny little coffee shop by my house that has intrigued me and we gossiped about all our friends. Got some good laughs. I miss my boys so much! It was grand to catch up with my little BP. Then me, miss Rachel and miss Whitney went and saw the world's worst movie. Please, anyone who may happen to read this DO NOT GO SEE NICK AND NORA'S INFINITE PLAYLIST! Not only will the theater be filled with 16 year old assholes who will piss you off, but it is THE WORST film that I have ever seen. Lord it was horrendous. We also got mexican food which was pretty good but the margaritas were no big mama's thats for sure. Oh also on Saturday I decided to try harder and become a vegetarian after watching fast food nation. I almost vomited many times.

Today I woke up, put on Indiana Jones (because I don't have TV). Took a shower and I think I might walk over to Albertson's (which I hate) for a couple things. I'm going to attempt to make Rachel's vegetarian tuna salad which is delicious, and actually tastes like tuna, which is odd.

Ok, that was my weekend recap. It's nice not having any homework or anything that I MUST do over the weekend.

Next weekend might be Oktoberfest. Woot woot!

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