Sunday, October 26, 2008


Ok, here is my newest idea of how I'm going to pass my time. Sewing. I know how to sew, as I did sew the single greatest dress to ever be worn at a Cashmere High School winter ball. I do a little hand sewing in the form of finishing homemade pillows, hemming pants and sewing on buttons. However, I always have to get someone to thread the machine for me, put the bobbin in etc. I kinda suck at the mechanical stuff. I want to sew myself an outfit. Clearly it will be a paisley pantsuit. Most likely in a shade of pink or teal. I think I might look into taking a class, but I would have to have a sewing machine for that. So I might look into getting a used one or something. Ok thats all. Sewing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

my man

KJW has informed me that the love of my life (or at LEAST my Halloween hookup, as she has called him) awaits me in a bar in West Seattle slinging tunes for karaoke. I will gussy myself. I will wear my sweatpants (ooo almost let the costume slip) and other garb and I will impress him. I will be Mrs. Joe Karaoke by years end!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

sunday bloody sunday

Today was pretty much the best Sunday ever. Woke up, a tiny bit hung over (that was not part of the best Sunday ever) at about 10:00. Drug my ass out to the couch and proceeded to lay there for the entire day. I stood up and cleaned, cooked a little, and organized the apartment. It was nice. I'm still wearing my pajamas as a matter of fact. I did put on a sweatshirt though when I got a little cold. I watched two seasons of sex and the city, and a disc of arrested development. It was so pleasant. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow, even though all the big wigs won't be there so it should be a really chill next few days. The anxiety will come back though I'm sure. I still need to find someone to pick me up from the car shop and I need to learn how to ride the bus to work ... maybe thats what I should have done today.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Oh goodness, I'm glad that my super liberal boss can still impart her super liberal funnies on me from the east coast:

I'm in the mere for the weekend. Doing the Oktoberfest thing, should be a good time. Beer, boys, baclava, NO bratwurst though. Unless they make soy/tofu/veggies brats which I'm pretty sure they don't do in the worth. Anywho, pumped about all the beer and getting the rest of my stuff to get back to the little apartment in the ham. Other than that, not much is up. Work is a little boring lately, I know its going to pick up soon though ... oh well

That is all, please laugh at Sarah Palin with me

Thursday, October 9, 2008

post office

So, everyday at work I have to go on errands. At first I found them to be a giant waste of my time, now I find them as amazing because I get to go outside and waste time around downtown ... I mean work really hard. One of my errands is going to the post office. I go there to empty the full PO box, pay for weird mail we can't do at the office and get certified mail ... certified. The same man stamps my certified mail everyday and I love him. Apparently he had a stroke a couple years ago and now does not hear or speak very well. He always waves me up to the front of the line and stamps my mail, makes some silly joke and then winks at me when I leave. I love him. The other day some rude boys were making fun of him in line ... no they di'uhnt! I felt a strong surge of motherly instinct to punch them in the throat with one hand, and balls with the other. I did neither but I seethed quietly to myself and then gave them dirty looks when he waved me to the front ahead of them. People are mean. My affinity for him may be heightened because of my own family history with strokes. Being that I never knew my grandmother pre-stroke, I only knew her with limited speech, and mobility I totally get the stroke thing. STILL, he's my little friend. I heart him.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Post Turtle

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old Texas rancher whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Sarah Palin and her bid to be a heartbeat away from being President.

The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Palin is a post turtle.' Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was. The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle.'

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain. 'You know she didn't get up there by herself, she doesn't belong up there, she doesn't know what to do while she is up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put her up there to begin with.'

my first real weekend

What an exciting weekend I have had. Woah is me. First my little BP called me on Thursday from the road up to Bellingham. When he was not distracted by shifting, drinking soda, or the roadside corn he was going to barter for he told me that the office was NOT on. It devastated me. I love the office. So instead I watched the vice presidential debate, argued with my dad via text message, felt solidarity with miss keels and insulted my ex boyfriend about his barely legal current girlfriend. It amused me to no end. I actually did feel kinda bad about some of that, and kinda not about most of it.

Then on Friday me and miss Rachel went out for drinks and cheesey tortillas at Jalapenos. I love me some of those big mama's wooo weee. Then at the ripe old time of 9:00 we staggered over to the bar at Bob's and had more drinks. There was a creepy old man there, he was of course drawn to me. He tried chatting me up, staring at me, telling me I had beautiful eyes, that I was incredibly attractive and that I had a beautiful smile. I kept telling him that he was freaking me out and needed to stop. Then he touched my back ... too far. Rachel tried to save us by saying that we needed to meet a friend (an underage one) at another bar, the waitress came over with our bills in hand and a very apologetic look on her face when she saw he had descended on our table. It was nice. So we bolted, went to the Up, Rachel tried to make me hit on guys which I was just not feeling so much. So she cozied up to a weirdy while I texted miss Gaby, mister Dan and my Mom ahaha. Then I called Gaby to tell her all the weirdness that was going on. Eventually I was sober and ready to go home so of course I had to drive weirdy home. It was half way to my house, then I doubled back to take Rachel home then finally got home around one. It's tough being old and getting tired at 10:00.

Saturday I woke up and shortly after mister BP called me to go for some coffee. It was great. We went to this funny little coffee shop by my house that has intrigued me and we gossiped about all our friends. Got some good laughs. I miss my boys so much! It was grand to catch up with my little BP. Then me, miss Rachel and miss Whitney went and saw the world's worst movie. Please, anyone who may happen to read this DO NOT GO SEE NICK AND NORA'S INFINITE PLAYLIST! Not only will the theater be filled with 16 year old assholes who will piss you off, but it is THE WORST film that I have ever seen. Lord it was horrendous. We also got mexican food which was pretty good but the margaritas were no big mama's thats for sure. Oh also on Saturday I decided to try harder and become a vegetarian after watching fast food nation. I almost vomited many times.

Today I woke up, put on Indiana Jones (because I don't have TV). Took a shower and I think I might walk over to Albertson's (which I hate) for a couple things. I'm going to attempt to make Rachel's vegetarian tuna salad which is delicious, and actually tastes like tuna, which is odd.

Ok, that was my weekend recap. It's nice not having any homework or anything that I MUST do over the weekend.

Next weekend might be Oktoberfest. Woot woot!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

post debate

Well I just watch the vice presidential debate. Man I wish Palin would not have been there. If that would have happened I would still like the word maverick. I would like (for effect) to put up some of the text messages that I sent during the debate, mainly to my good pal miss keels, and my Dad. They are as follows:

"every other word out of her mouth is "senator I respect you for that" I think she may want to switch sides..."

"yeah, I am really anti her"

"stop calling yourself a maverick and quit pumping sunshine up mccain's ass"

"I want to punch her in the head. I wish she would just stop calling herself a maverick and telling stupid stories and answer like a politician who could run the country. Quit giving shout outs!"

"I would rather have a political person who answers questions and behaves like an adult with some political background than someone who runs off the fact she is an attractive middle aged woman with a special needs child"

"go dems. they want out of iraq they see there is no such thing as winning. They believe in equal rights not just for people who look just like them"

I don't like McCain or Palin. I do like Obama and Biden. I at least respect them. I will not vote for someone just because they were a POW (no matter how much I respect them for that, and am grateful for their sacrifices, it doesn't make them a good presidential candidate because of it), or because they are a woman.

ok, end rant. Politics get me fired up.