Tuesday, September 30, 2008

to be cool ... or not

So I'm either going to join jazzercise which looks like a lot of fun, or I'm going to join a yoga studio, which looks hard, trendy, and intimidating. Ultimately though I think either choice would be good, but the jazzercise studio is right next to my office ... tough choice.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Today was a day. I worked. It was actually kinda nice because the office was quiet, I got a lot done, and pretty much no one was on my case. Plus I had a really nice lunch with another really new girl there who I'm pretty sure is my age, new best friend!?! She seems shy, I'll have to break her of that. Then this afternoon I go out on my errands. Go to the first bank, park, go inside, it's ape shit crazy in there. Ten thousand people, I stand in line for fifteen minutes. I realize as I see the meter maid stroll by that I had only paid the meter for 8 minutes thinking there was no way it could take longer than that. Walk outside, nice little yellow envelope on my windshield. I worked for Western parking for two and half years and NEVER got a ticket at Western, then I'm downtown DOING MY JOB and get one, lame. It was only ten bucks though so I'm not that beat up about it. Then I go to the NEXT bank that I have to do a deposit at. A really cute young nice guy is helping me, totally chatting me up on what I do in my spare time, what my job is, asking me if I'm in school and we are making banter and making fun of each other's jobs and just having a good time during this little transaction. I think to myself, "self, if he asks for your number, don't you even hesitate, just give it to him" "ps self, you look hot in your trendy dress clothes that you can almost pull off ... go you" Then I tell him about my parking ticket and he exclaims with glee, "oh man, I got a ticket a while ago I totally forgot, if you had not said that then I would have never paid it, thanks for taking one for the team haha" I find this amusing, oh he's so cute, I think he's into me, there is hard core flirting going on, this trip isn't so bad after all even though I got a parking ticket. THEN he says to me, "yeah I was up at mount baker with my fiance and we were blah blah blah" I lost interest, he said the dreaded word (along with girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, common law wife, long term relationship, etc etc) and I zoned out. He is still nice and cute, I wish that that bank was the one that I had to go to everyday so that I could build a really fun look at us working and doing business relationship. Might happen. Probably not. Why are all the taken ones the really good flirters ... wait, that makes sense.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

i have stuff ... and things

So I finally have stuff in my apartment that isn't clothes or two plates. Yes thats right, I have finally moved all of my furniture, and random shit into my apartment. I actually am writing this post from my bed ... oo la la. And no, not my bed of a foam egg crate pad with an old comforter on it, my actual mattress bed. It's mild to moderately awesome. Closer to moderately. So here I am feeling like i'm actually living in this apartment, it's pretty nice. Tomorrow I will go to work and when I come home I will plop down on my couch and watch the office on dvd and feel good. Oh, my couch was all saggy in the middle so I went to Lowe's and bought a piece of wood to put in it to un-sag it. Mark the day, it was my very first home improvement project ... in this apartment. I had one other home improvement project in my last apartment where I bought a shower head extension because the water hit me between the shoulder blades and my thighs started getting sore from squatting to rinse my hair in the shower. It was a situation. So there you go. Now my couch is firm, I can cook, eat, entertain. All in all things are shaping up quite nicely. Go new apartment ... that doesn't look like a homeless person is squatting in it anymore!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

update on life

i bought new shoes yesterday because of the blister situation. they are so fucking bellingham its out of control. and ya know what, no more blisters today. booyah.

bought more sweaters and crap today, it costs a lot of money to look super awesome at your weird job ... just saying

new office tonight, so effing pumped. got a call from my little drewy today he was very slick and asked me if i lived in bellingham them followed it up with a "so i hear that there is a new office on tonight ... can i come over and watch it?" very slick my little drewy very slick. well since i don't have tv, a couch, or cable i told him no, BUT that he could come over and watch it at Rachel's house. so, me drewy and miss rachel are going to have a little partay. mostly just watching the office and eating sweet potato fries.

thats all, i'm already getting tired at around 10:00, maybe earlier.

excited to get my bed this weekend, AND tv, AND entertainment center and various other pieces of furniture. yay for having my belongings back!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

new job

I can feel you out there wondering what my new job was like. Let me give you some tids:

one crazy supervisor
one adorable little boy, yes a child runs around the office
one small white poofy dog named spike
one lady training me who has only worked there three weeks
many new office policies that i may never learn
one walk around downtown running errands
four average to large sized blisters from new dress shoes
one compliment on new dress clothes that i had to buy
two hours before i was forced to answer the phone for the first time
one time getting reprimanded from the owner of the company
one eye roll from the owner of the company
one time the owner of the company told us "nice little ladies" at the front not to carry large boxes
one exhausted little lady

bought new shoes after work
bought 120 dollars worth of groceries
watched four episodes of the office (so far) on my computer because i don't have a tv (or bed, or couch, or table, or chairs or anything to sit on, or anything to set things on)

going to bed at 10 ... i'm officially old now, thats when old people go to bed

pumped for the season premiere of the office tomorrow

might drink one of the 24 ounce coors lights i bought


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

starting to work out

in new apartment!
on new internet that i set up myself!
watching the office online because i don't have a tv or cable yet!
sleeping on egg crate mat because i don't have my bed yet!
starting new job tomorrow!
ironed my pants!
excited about life a bit!
drama seems to be calming!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'm entering panic mode. I need an apartment or a freaking place to live. Anyone (Keeley, KJW) know of a place? I've been hunting, filling out applications etc. its draining and I feel like a bum sleeping on couches when I'm going to be working an actual full time job. Yikes. I should hear tomorrow if I got the place that I really want. I BETTER hear tomorrow, either that or I answer one of the many ads on Craigslist for the 28 year old men who need room mates. They couldn't be that bad ... right? This is what I've come to ...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I highly doubt that anyone reads this anymore. even keels? in any case. i did the camp thing, got home end of august, did the unemployed thing for about a month. went to all corners of the state and visited people, was in a wedding, loathed myself for being unemployed, played wizard staff, met boys, it was cool. then (as of Tuesday of last) I because employed again! Hooray! So starting next wednesday, I will be an employee of someone. More specifically I will be an administrative assistant for a CPA firm in Bellingham. Yes, my dear sweet Bellingham will be my home again. I'm anxiously awaiting the call from a landlord that I have a place to live. Everyone cross their fingers for me that I actually got that place. Other than that, not really anything is going on. Got a job, back in the work force, life is changing, its all very big time! Don't know how I'm going to cope. I guess we will see. Perhaps lots of angsty blogs will start popping up once I have a home with internet access ... or when I start using Rachel's computer while I stay with her ... we will see. Ok, thats all.