Saturday, July 11, 2009

Old lady update?

I bought:
1. Sustainable bamboo kitchen spoons
2. A fancy wine opener
3. A weird green knife (mild impulse buy)
And for free I got a vegetable peeler. Also I was the grand prize winner of the night and got 10% off my order. It was a successful old lady pampered chef party. Then today I went and matched slip covers to area rugs and throw pillows. Looked at pillow shams, duvet covers and BED throw pillows (way different than living room throw pillows). Then I went and started looking at beds for Sean Connery that would match the area rug and slip covers so that he would match the living room. Old as shit day number 2!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Identity crisis

I am not very old. I act like a very old person. I will hold long conversations about the interest rate on my savings account, lament the high cost of stamps, pay bills the moment they enter my apartment, I go to bed at 9:00 and get annoyed with people being "rowdy" in the parking lot at my apartment. Currently I am getting ready to attend a pampered chef party. WTF!!! However I do something horrendously immature pretty much every day. I feel as though I'm going through that awkward transition from being an asshole college kid to being a grown up. It's like puberty again, none of my clothes are appropriate, I constantly feel awkward, I turn to TV to try to understand how my age group acts, I don't know if I should be wearing a bra or not.

OK, I'm going to go turn off Billy Joel playing in the background and leave for my party, don't want to keep the hostess waiting!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sleeping Naked is Green

So, some of you may know how I love to read. Others of you know that I'm a bit of a lazy hippie. Still others of you probably know that I'm on a huge Non-fiction book kick and I'm obsessed with quippy, quirky, sarcastic and sometimes self deprecating and insulting narrative accounts of random journeys for knowledge. Like cadavers, sex, assassins, going green and ghosts. Just to overly generalize a few of the last non-fictions that I've read. I'm starting to forget what I'm writing this blog about. Ah yes, quick reference to the title. The book I'm reading. The book is called "Sleeping Naked is Green" or as they refer to it in the book (and accompanying blog) SNiG. The whole premise of the book is that the author a girl from Toronto who is skeptical of the whole green thing changes one thing a day for a year. She makes jokes about the crap she does, admits when she cheats, and someone still manages to weave little stories through what essentially is a diary. It makes me giggle and has prompted me to make my recent google searches kind of embarrassing. Some of which include:
Composting toilets
How to make your own toothpaste
Green dating sites
How to make a cheap compost bin
Just to name a couple. Easily the most awful is green dating. Of which I perused two separate sites. and Gross. Also no one from Bellingham is on either site because Bellingham hipsters are way too cool for that. Which is precisely why whenever I get drunk and make a dating site profile I never put my photo on it. How atrocious to be recognized by someone I know.

Again I forgot why I started this entry. Um, read the book? Turn your own poop into an awesome way to feed your organic tomato plants? Which reminds me, I need to go get one of those metal cage things for my tomato plant which is growing like a weed and starting to tip over, it needs the metal tomato bra for support.

Also, my potential landlady was supposed to call me yesterday to set up a time to meet and sign the lease, but she never called, which I forgive as it was a holiday BUT I also need to notify my current place that I'm leaving by Friday and the super practical and completely skeptical side says don't tell them I'm out until I'm on a legally binding lease. Oh well, I've had too much time to sit around and stew lately.

OK, I'm going to put a picture on here so that maybe someone will read it. Happy July 5th everyone, who else was awoken several times by fireworks lighting off in your upstairs neighbors apartment (yes inside) and setting off car alarms!?!?

Happy belated America

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Yesterday I went to the Logger Rodeo. The rodeo is awesome just in the fact that it's a rodeo but here are OTHER reasons why it was SUPER awesome:

1. All the cowboys wear pink shirts (breast cancer awareness fundraiser)
2. Beer garden
3. Making friends with one of the business man cow milkers (bonus awesome point to this one, his name was Maynard)
4. Two EMS runs! - not awesome in the traditional sense, but both guys were OK which was def awesome
5. Text messages where my friends threaten to bury me with a back-ho
6. Proclaiming a performing family at the rodeo the "Osmonds of Rodeo"
7. The queen getting bucked off her horse
8. Cowboys
9. Tight jeans
10. Somehow all the Sedro-Woolley cowboys have southern accents ... I've never understood that
11. Meeting up with dudes from the rodeo at the bar haha, classy
12. That might actually be it

In other news, I think my upstairs neighbors lit off some fireworks inside, my ears are ringing ...