Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Totally practical

For all your lazy assed dogs:

It's called a "Bottoms up Rear-End Support Leash," clearly every dog owner needs one!
Only $39.99


Wow. Only in a town with "beach" in the name:

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. - Police are seeking a woman they said used a false identity to get breast implants and liposuction, then skipped town.

Huntington Beach police said Monday that a 30-year-old woman opened a line of credit in someone else's name in September and had the procedures worth more than $12,000 performed at the Pacific Center For Plastic Surgery.

Employees said she never returned for follow-up visits.

I can't imagine wanting plastic surgery so badly. This coming less than two hours after I bought a bunch of make-up ... hmmm. I did however use my own id, and my own money!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So, I don't eat meat. I very very rarely eat meat substitute because I think he texture is gross (like meat) and it tastes gross (like meat). So I was flipping through my biggest loser cookbook the other day and trying to figure out how to make them meatless and I stumbled upon tofu teriyaki. A challenge. Now, I also don't really eat tofu because honestly I don't understand what it is. That aside, I decided to make it today for dinner. Tofu, some sort of stir fry mix from Trader Joe's, orange peppers, onions, garlic, ginger, on a nice bed of brown rice. DELICIOUS. Needless to say it turned out three shades of amazing and was very colorful and tasty. I about quadrupled the recipe with the amount of veggies I put in though so I'll be eating that for a week ... oh well.

This is not what mine looked like. Mine was way better. This however is what the picture was in the cookbook. Either way.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm very happy to announce my me and my little biscotti just celebrated one full year of our fake relationship. Last St. Patty's day, my dear little Scotty-Too-Hottie insisted on introducing me to all his friends at the bar as his girlfriend, thus began the best fake relationship I have ever been in. Yes there have been rough times, we had a couple nasty fights about counter tops, and there was some cheating ... but still strong as ever! Here is a picture of the night it all started.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


CALGARY, Alberta - Former President George W. Bush said on Tuesday that he won't criticize Barack Obama because the new U.S. president "deserves my silence," and said he plans to write a book about the 12 toughest decisions he made in office.

Bush declined to critique the Obama administration in his first speech since leaving office in January. Former Vice President Dick Cheney has said that Obama's decisions threatened America's safety.

"I'm not going to spend my time criticizing him. There are plenty of critics in the arena," Bush said. "He deserves my silence."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bye bye PI

What a sad day for Seattle! The PI is moving to a web-only version and tomorrow is the last print! Here is an article that I found at msn. Even msn is carrying this!

SEATTLE - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which has chronicled the news of the city since logs slid down its steep streets to the harbor and miners caroused in its bars before heading north to Alaska’s gold fields, will print its final edition Tuesday.

Hearst Corp., which owns the 146-year-old P-I, said Monday that it failed to find a buyer for the newspaper, which it put up for a 60-day sale in January after years of losing money. Now the P-I will shift entirely to the Web.

“Tonight will be the final run, so let’s do it right,” publisher Roger Oglesby told the newsroom.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Some people are just crazy.

A man went over Niagara Falls and survived Wednesday afternoon, one of the few people to ever survive the plunge unprotected, authorities said.

The man did not aid in his rescue, officials said, though it was not immediately clear whether he was physically unable to or he did not want to do so.

Niagara Falls Fire Capt. Dave Belme said the man was not wearing any clothes when he was rescued, but he added that it's not unexpected for a person to lose things while being washed down the falls.

MY theory, trying to kill himself. Why be so selfish though as to make those poor (probably hot) rescuers get to naked!?!? Shrinkage ...

Seduction Advice

In Detroit it only takes a dollar, a case of beer, a gram of coke, and a whip. Hello motor city, my name is Diana!

I hate money

I got my very first overdraft on my checking account today. It made me supremely sad because I pride myself on being very aware of my finances. Although I may not have many dollars I keep good track of the few I have! Well sadly I purchased some McDonald's for my friends recently and didn't write the freaking charge in my register. So many lessons:

Don't buy friends McDonald's when you're drunk!
Don't eat McDonald's is gross and bad for you!
Register your freaking checkbook!

Ugh, I'm covered in disgust over this.


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Cats are such douche bags sometimes

seriously though, I want a kitty so bad!