Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It makes me a fair amount of motivation to do most things. Whether its just plain proving someone wrong, or trying to do my best or pass a class, whatever I have to be fairly motivated. I have however always prided myself on being able to do anything if I just put my nose to the grindstone and do it.

I also lack the skills of making decisions quickly about big events in my life. Case in point, I'm trying to decide if I should work at a summer camp this summer. It sounds like such an amazing place, and experience and a ton of fun, not to mention that one of my great friends (ahem KEELEY) will be there all summer. I am hung up on the money, the distance, the logistics of it all. I want to just relax and take the job! My contract came in the mail today, they offered me the job last week. I'm thinking it through while still trying to do my Bellingham thing on this side of the country. It's hard for me to make these decisions.

So I'm unsure if I have a point here. I guess I just suck at making decisions, but I'm good at keeping with them once I make them? Who knows. Also Heath Ledger died today. That was unexpected, it makes me feel weird.

Monday, January 21, 2008


So, I was cruising through some pictures on facebook today, and I found some proof to myself that I actually have lost weight, it felt nice. It actually kinda looks like both of us have lost weight, not that fischer really needs to, but anywho. So on the left is June 2007, and the right is December 2007. And yes, I'm wearing a tank top in both June and December. It was a theme party ...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So you have Mono

Yes folks, I've got it ... the kissing disease. May I just start by saying that mono has quite the stigma attached to it! Everyone turns their nose up at me and gets all uppity when I say that I have mono ... it's not cancer or AIDS or something it's just mono! Lets start from the beginning:
Last week I started noticing that my throat hurt but only on the left side. I distinctly remember telling several people this on Thursday fearing that Max had somehow given me his tonsillitis through osmosis or something. Then by Saturday it was incredibly difficult to swallow, and I could see this giant lump in my throat. I called a nurse on my insurance she just told me home remedies to get through the weekend until I could go to the doctor. Saturday night is full of inspecting all of my friends' throats and them inspecting mine to see what 'normal' looks like. (sidebar: Brittany has a dagger hangy ball as do I, Gaby's is all long and wide, Evan's is really short and nubby, Scott's was pretty normal, and Maxy's throat is so disgusting right now because of the tonsillitis). Monday rolls around and everyone at work looks at my throat and freaks out thinking it is disgusting. I go to the health center and show it to them, they make me wait for about half an hour for a nurse to look at it, she looks at it and informs me that it is either mono or strep. Well my rapid strep test was negative and I could hardly believe mono since I felt fine other than the throat. So they ran a blood test ... MONO! I actually said, "WHAT!?! how is that possible I FEEL FINE!" The nurse just giggled, apparently I have a slight fever, hugely swollen glands and giant tonsils, all indicative of mono. The blood confirmed. So thus far I still feel fine, I'm not exceptionally tired or sick or anything, I just can't work out because my immune system is really down and my spleen is ready to rupture if I get hit or work out too hard. AND I can't drink until I'm over it. Thats like six weeks ... SIX WEEKS. Now I know that doesn't seem like a lot, and I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but 80's night is just not going to be the same if I'm not a little tipsy! I guess it's work it though if I can get back to normal faster, and I don't want my liver to freak out and give up on me at such a young age. So thats the skinny. Also I've had to kinda warn people that I might have given them mono. Some have taken it better than others, most people are unconcerned about it, Scott had a freak out thinking that we were sharing drinks, but other people have been OK. Actually sometimes I don't think I give people enough credit about stuff like this. That being said, I have had my fair share of people freak out and demand that I not get anywhere near them. FYI you can only spread it through "intimate contact with saliva" so most everyone is safe! Easily the best part of the whole ordeal though has been that at the health center they gave me a pamphlet called, "so, you have mono: taking the next step" haha, love it.

OK, well that is your update on my communicable diseases for today haha. Enjoy your hump day.
PS, I Google image searched "mononucleosis" and this picture came up, how appropriate.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First day of classes

Today was my 11th first day of classes at Western. That means that I only have one more first day of classes until I graduate. I'm accepting your congratulations as they stream in. What do I think so far you're asking? A bulleted list please? I just want to make the people happy:

  • Comm 498 - Communication Ethics. This class weirdly sounds interesting. Here are some of things we discussed today concerning ethical communication. This one is silly: is it ethical to tell your roommate that they look horrible in their clothing? Does this depend on if it is for a date and confidence is more important than looking good, or what if it is an interview where really they do need to look good? More serious: is it ethical to hide that your child is adopted? At what point do you tell them they are? Should you be straight from the beginning or drop it like a bomb later when they can understand? Is there always just one answer? In any case, I think the class will be interesting and the professor (who is my advisor) is hysterical. And you can tell he is a total sarcastic asshole nerd, which is frankly right up my alley. Because of course, I am a sarcastic asshole nerd, who likes to have other people like me around.

  • Environmental Science 101 - It is literally the largest class offered on campus. There are 450 people in my class, we are in the largest lecture hall on campus, and people were sitting on the stairs. Our midterms are online, all notes are posted on his website, and clearly role will not be taken. I caught my first cat nap of the quarter in this class today. I did however get a little excited about learning about environmental things, since I am an aspiring environmental hippie.

  • Psychology 119 - Psych of Gender. The teacher made me laugh. She made fun of men for oggling women and let us out an hour and a half early. I like her already.

  • Communication 325 - Intercultural Communication. I actually donn't have this class until tomorrow, but it is with a prof I had last quarter who I think really likes me, so it should be ok haha.

Thats it. 16 credits closer to graduating on June 14th 2008, not that I'm counting. Other neat pearls in the life of Diana right now?

  • I wrote an angry letter to WTA that I'm going to type up after this and send to: WTA, Associated Students, Alternative Transportation and the President of Western. Yeah, I got a little fire lit under my ass today.

  • I submitted my application for camp this summer. I got a call from the office manager today but I was in class when she called, I now need to figure out a time to call back during New York business hours ...

  • Still working out like a fiend, hoping to lose more lbs this quarter, feeling pretty good about it so far even though I have not lost any since I've been back. I think that getting back into the schedule of class and everything will help regulate myself and get my work outs and food back under control.

I think thats it. Also here is a picture of puppies ... just for fun.

Reverse Miracle

This just made me laugh:
The vision of toast appears on the face of the Virgin Mary

A local woman claimed to have seen a vision of a piece of toast on a picture of the Virgin Mary at her local church. Betty Tilley, 62, was praying silently at the Sacred Heart Catholic church when she looked up to see a ray of light slanting in through the window, illuminating a reproduction painting of the Virgin Mary and as she moved closer she was amazed by what she saw.
"There’s just no question in my mind that it was a miracle. Right there, on the face of the Holy Mary,
Mother of God, I could see a nice piece of toasted sliced white bread."

I'm honestly kinda giggling out loud right now.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I would have guessed higher

You are 61% hippie.

You're near the middle of the spectrum, but you've got an open mind. Society needs more people like you.

Are you a hippie?
Quizzes for MySpace

I'm not exactly sure which questions brought me down! I would have thought I was more of a hippie than that. OH well, I'm good with the middle of the road


So in accordance to all bloggers I will do a quasi year in review post. Here are some important gems that I can remember.

1. I finished my Junior year of college.
2. I applied and was accepted to my major ... finally (communication, fyi)
3. I turned 21 years of age
4. I went to Reno with my mom, one of my best friends from home, and her mom for a few days to celebrate my birthday
5. I worked 40 hours a week at the PKO for the summer and have no money to show for it
6. I found a wonderful place called the nightlight, with a wonderful thing called 80's night. It's how I spent most of my Thursdays.
7. I started consuming alcoholic beverages at a rate that would impress sailors. I don't know if thats a highlight or a low light, I guess it depends on who you ask.
8. I infiltrated a new group of friends who I can hardly believe I haven't known for forever. I love them all so much and have so much freaking fun with them!
9. I started my Senior year of college.
10. I got the nickname the "office tart" for no reason at all, my co-workers can be rough sometimes.
11. I furthered my relationships with amazing friends, and introduced old friends to new ones, much to their ... pleasure.
12. I started a weight loss program with my friends quasi modeled after the Biggest Loser on NBC ... and won.
13. I'm starting to feel confident in myself 27 pounds lighter.
14. I'm looking forward to continuing my weight loss to a new healthy me.
15. I got to spend new years with some of the fellas who I absolutely adore, some who I have known longer than others.

Thats it I guess. It was a good year, I feel like I hit a lot of milestones this year, many that I hadn't planned on, some that I wish I hadn't hit. I'm looking forward to continuing being healthy in 2008, looking out for myself better, and being happy. Still looking for that ever elusive boy to sweep me off my feet, but I guess I just need to give it time haha. So farewell to 2007, I'm headed to the gym!