Friday, January 2, 2009

yeah yeah yeah so paid

It's a rap song, don't judge me for knowing that.

Today I woke up with a terrible pain my toe, enough so that I did not go work out. Instead I went and got a haircut, a really cute haircut. I'm glad that I have short hair again (even though I've had it for four months). Then it was spinster Friday, thats right my friends, Spinster-hood is creeping into the weekdays. I suspect that I may get three days of spinster-ness this week! noice.

Two Jay Jay texts, one call. All ignored. I learned my lesson from arby's. I'm not encouraging it. And as Rachel said, "our new year's resolution is to not go to the royal, ironically made ... at the royal."

It's a work in progress.

I'm a third done with Harry Potter 6. Harry Potter 7 may be started by the end of the weekend. I think I might read my lovely Women & Money book next, since I'm trying to save money and not be in debt anymore. My Mom will be so proud.

1 comment:

KJW said...

There is no shame in the Royal! Just shame in gentlemen like Arby's. Hahahahaha.