Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So, I cry at almost anything. In the last three weeks I have cried approximately 35 times for various reasons, news articles, radio commercials, my conversations with people, Meerkat Manor (SPOILER ALERT: Flower died, I cried at work in the break room, it was awful ... she was such a prolific leader), TV in general, its been weird. Here is just one reason why I should not be allowed to read the news in public. I start crying reading articles like this:

Chinese teenager Yang Liu lay alive but buried under the rubble of her school on Wednesday, knowing that the only way she will survive is if she loses her legs.

"In my whole life, I've never done anything like this, I've never seen anything like this, but we must be soldiers now," said the leader, Yang Xin.
"We must fully do our duties," he said. "You are my flesh and blood, and the people buried in here are our flesh and blood."

I think I lost it right around "we must be soldiers now". As everyone knows ANY mention of the war, the troops, troops' families, babies born to soldiers while they are away, soldiers coming home, soldiers dying, families finding out a soldier has died etc. etc. makes me cry ... a lot.

It's official ... I've turned into my mother. I just thought it would take longer.

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