Friday, May 30, 2008

mr dinadoogz

file this under: perhaps-the-perfect-guy-who-loves-animals-and-is-also-a-fireman



Here was my horoscope from today:

Timing is everything when it comes to any kind of relationship -- so you need to stop trying to rush things! Whether you're eager to hear about a job prospect, dying for the cutie to call, or impatient about when your sweetie will propose, you have to realize that you don't have any influence in this situation. Your hopes and wishes, no matter how strong they are, cannot force someone to do something that they don't want to do or aren't ready to do. Relax and focus on something else.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

help me

I really need a direction in life. I've been without one for a while now and it's mildly starting to freak me out. Call me crazy, but a tiny part of me really wants to join the peace corps. Is that crazy? Yes. It is. It's crazy like a fox. But I do like foxes ...

Also I want to do something with the environment. Someone help me find a job where I can help the environment. I want to help people (and myself) be better to our silly little earth. Where are those jobs? "silly little earth helper" that should be my title. Ill type it into Monster and see what happens.

Seriously though, someone find me a job. And I love Washington so if it was here that would also be dandy. Do it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Offering up a boob

This is why I could never be a Chinese policewoman during a natural disaster. Well this amongst other reasons:

A Chinese policewoman is being hailed as a hero after taking it upon herself to breast-feed several infants who were separated from their mothers or orphaned by China's devastating earthquake.
Officer Jiang Xiaojuan, 29, the mother of a 6-month-old boy, responded to the call of duty and the instincts of motherhood when the magnitude 7.9 quake struck on May 12.
"I am breast-feeding, so I can feed babies. I didn't think of it much," she said. "It is a mother's reaction, and a basic duty as a police officer to help."

I'm sorry, but that's kinda bizarre

Monday, May 19, 2008

Heaven on Earth

This made me smile. Then made me incredibly jealous.

MORRIS, Ill. - You'd need a lot of milk to dunk all the cookies that spilled on an interstate highway in Illinois this morning.
A trailer loaded with 14 tons of double-stuffed Oreos overturned, dumping boxes of cookies all over the road and the median about 50 miles southwest of Chicago.
It shut down the highway and backed up traffic.

That is one of my definitions of heaven. A literal highway full of cookies. Now if that was right next to the chow mein interstate, macaroni salad freeway, chip roundabout, and ice cream thoroughfare, they really would have my heart.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So, I cry at almost anything. In the last three weeks I have cried approximately 35 times for various reasons, news articles, radio commercials, my conversations with people, Meerkat Manor (SPOILER ALERT: Flower died, I cried at work in the break room, it was awful ... she was such a prolific leader), TV in general, its been weird. Here is just one reason why I should not be allowed to read the news in public. I start crying reading articles like this:

Chinese teenager Yang Liu lay alive but buried under the rubble of her school on Wednesday, knowing that the only way she will survive is if she loses her legs.

"In my whole life, I've never done anything like this, I've never seen anything like this, but we must be soldiers now," said the leader, Yang Xin.
"We must fully do our duties," he said. "You are my flesh and blood, and the people buried in here are our flesh and blood."

I think I lost it right around "we must be soldiers now". As everyone knows ANY mention of the war, the troops, troops' families, babies born to soldiers while they are away, soldiers coming home, soldiers dying, families finding out a soldier has died etc. etc. makes me cry ... a lot.

It's official ... I've turned into my mother. I just thought it would take longer.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cutest Ever

I made an executive decision today. Baby Meerkats are the cutest animals in the world.


Everyone has certain priorities. I'm guessing this child was ... unplanned.

DARWIN, Australia - An Australian man has been fined after buckling in a case of beer with a seat belt but leaving a 5-year-old child to sit on the car’s floor, police said Tuesday.

The 30-can beer case was strapped in between two adults sitting in the back seat of the car. The child was also in back, but on the car’s floor.

“I haven’t ever seen something like this before,” he said. “This is the first time that the beer has taken priority over a child.”

In all fairness, that beer might have been really expensive.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I love it

OK I found the forum that housed that last picture and I can't not post a more.

No they di-uhnt

Picture number two that made my shitty day a tiny bit less shitty:


Very few things could make me happy today. Luckily I found one of them:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Virtual Age

Not only am I stealing this fun internet quiz from KJW, but I schooled her on life expectancy. So, there.

My virtual age: 6.4 years
Life expectancy: 88 years

That is a LONG time. Only 67 years to go!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Grandma Sue

I used to watch this all the time! First Bob Barker, then Sue, whats the world coming to?

Oxygen's "Talk Sex" call-in show with colorful septugenarian educator Sue Johanson is ending its run after six seasons, the network announced Tuesday.
The final show airs at midnight Sunday.
"I'm going to miss it terribly," Johanson told The Associated Press. "It's been part of my life and I just love it. I'm going to miss writing scripts. I'm going to miss having to read books. I'm going to miss playing with sex toys."

The world may never be the same.

Pot Suckers

This article caught my eye, then made me laugh, out loud, in public.

Georgia retailers soon will be banned from selling candy flavored to taste like marijuana to children.

Senator Doug Stoner pushed the bill in the senate. "I don't think that folks are aware this is going on," Stoner told Channel 2 in April. "It's mainly, from what I can tell, particularly targeted to minority communities."

Senator STONER, was against the measure! Anyone?

Monday, May 5, 2008


I just had a moment. I just read that Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds were engaged and I thought Ryan Gosling. Two of my favorite people in "show business". I hate Ryan Reynolds. Though I think he's cuter than the dickens, I think he's a bit of a tool. I love Ryan Gosling, he is both pretty to look at, and not a tool. Scar Jo is my "celeb I would go gay for" so obviously I like her. Ok, pointless post.

My prof just asked me to be her grading TA for the rest of the quarter and she said that if I did it I would get a small stipend, her undying gratification and a glowing letter of recommendation. I'm doing it for the letter. I want a job. Oh and I'm doing it for the stipend, I bet its less than 50 bucks. I'm ok with that.

Post dedicated to Ryan Gosling